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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2023-11-06SacrilegeSilent DarkTurn Back Trilobitemetalblade
2. 2023-11-06OmenTeeth Of The HydraThe Cursemetalblade
3. 2023-11-06PredatorDemon WitchEasy Preymetalblade
4. 2023-11-06hiraxImprisoned By IgnoranceHate, fear & powermetalblade
5. 2023-10-09Flotsam and JetsamDoomsday For The DecieverDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
6. 2023-09-18SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
7. 2023-03-27HiraxUnholy SacrificeHate, Fear, And Powermetalblade
8. 2023-03-27Sound BarrierGladiatorThe Speed Of Lightmetalblade
9. 2023-03-27AttackerDownfallBattle At Helm's Deepmetalblade
10. 2022-11-07HiraxThe Last WarHate, Fear, And Powermetalblade
11. 2022-11-07Flotsam and JetsamDoomsday For The DecieverDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
12. 2022-11-07SacrificeFlames Of ArmageddonForward to Terminationmetalblade
13. 2022-10-03Sentinel BeastThe KeeperDepths Of Deathmetalblade
14. 2021-11-08Attackerthe Wrath of NevermoreBattle At Helm's Deepmetalblade
15. 2021-11-08HelstarAbandon ShipA Distant Thundermetalblade
16. 2021-11-08Sentinel BeastSentinal BeastVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
17. 2019-11-11SacrificeLight Of The EndForward to Terminationmetalblade
18. 2019-10-07CathedralInfestation of Grey DeathThe Last Spiremetalblade
19. 2019-04-15Nasty SavageHypnotic TranceIndulgencemetalblade
20. 2019-04-15AttackerKick Your FaceBattle At Helm's Deepmetalblade
21. 2019-04-15VoivodNuclear WarWar and Painmetalblade
22. 2019-04-15DestructionThe RitualInfernal Overkillmetalblade
23. 2018-12-03HellhammerReaperDemon Entrailsmetalblade
24. 2018-11-05SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firemetalblade
25. 2018-11-05Cirith UngolDoomed PlanetOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
26. 2018-11-05AnvilCorporate PreacherPound For Poundmetalblade
27. 2018-11-05TaramisWolvesQueen Of Thievesmetalblade
28. 2018-11-05Dead EndSong Of A LunaticGhost Of Romancemetalblade
29. 2018-10-01EntrailsEnd of all ExistenceThe Tomb Awaitsmetalblade
30. 2018-07-30AllegaeonPoint Of DisfigurementFragments Of Form And Functionmetalblade
31. 2018-02-12Celtic FrostCircle of the TyrantsMorbid Tales - Emperor's Returnmetalblade
32. 2017-12-25ManowarReturn Of The WarlordLouder Than Hellmetalblade
33. 2017-11-06AttackerDance Of The CraziesBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
34. 2017-11-06Cirith UngolFinger Of ScornKing of the Deadmetalblade
35. 2017-11-06CandlemassDarkness In ParadiseAncient Dreamsmetalblade
36. 2017-11-06ThrustHeavier Than HellFist Held Highmetalblade
37. 2017-11-06DestructionBestial InvasionLive Without Sensemetalblade
38. 2017-10-16ImmolationGod Made FilthFailures For Godsmetalblade
39. 2017-05-08ManowarRide The DragonThe Triumph Of Steelmetalblade
40. 2017-05-08AllegaeonThe God ParticleFragments Of Form And Functionmetalblade
41. 2017-04-24HiraxCry Out To The GodsVarious Artists - Best Of Metal Blade Imetalblade
42. 2017-04-24AnvilI Dreamed It Was The End Of The WorldStrength of Steelmetalblade
43. 2017-02-06THE CROWNBlitzkrieg WitchcraftDeathrace Kingmetalblade
44. 2017-01-02Downfall of GaiaAtrophyAtrophymetalblade
45. 2017-01-02HereticThe SearchThe Breaking Pointmetalblade
46. 2016-12-26AttackerDownfallBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
47. 2016-12-26BansheeWe Want YouCry In The Nightmetalblade
48. 2016-12-26Flotsam and JetsamMetal ShockDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
49. 2016-12-26IntruderGenetic GenocideA Higher Form Of Killingmetalblade
50. 2016-11-21Nasty SavageXXXVarious Artist: Metal Massacre VImetalblade
51. 2016-11-21SatanTrial By FireCourt in The Actmetalblade
52. 2016-11-07Liege LordMaster ControlMaster Controlmetalblade
53. 2016-11-07Fates WarningPirates Of The UndergroundThe Spectre Withinmetalblade
54. 2016-11-07CandlemassBearer Of PainAncient Dreamsmetalblade
55. 2016-10-31Downfall of GaiaWoeAtrophymetalblade
56. 2016-09-05Cirith UngolBlood And IronOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
57. 2016-08-29Amon AmarthFor the Stabwounds in Our BacksVersus the Worldmetalblade
58. 2016-06-20ArtilleryKing Their Name Is SlayerFear Of Tomorrowmetalblade
59. 2016-05-16SlayerJesus SavesReign In Bloodmetalblade
60. 2016-04-18SacrificeFlames Of ArmageddonForward to Terminationmetalblade
61. 2016-04-18Nasty SavageYou Snooze, You LoseAbstract Realitymetalblade
62. 2016-04-11BODYFARMFrontline MassacreThe Coming Scourgemetalblade
63. 2015-12-14ManowarHoly WarFighting The Worldmetalblade
64. 2015-12-07Cirith Ungol100 MPHOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
65. 2015-11-23Mercyful FateBurn In Hell9metalblade
66. 2015-11-23Culture KillerExterminate FilthThroes Of Mankindmetalblade
67. 2015-11-16Twitching TonguesDisharmonyDisharmonymetalblade
68. 2015-11-16Charred Walls Of The DamnedThe Beast Outside My WindowCold Winds On Timeless Daysmetalblade
69. 2015-11-16SanctusNovemberAeon Skymetalblade
70. 2015-11-09Amon AmarthVaryags of MiklagaardTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
71. 2015-11-09GwarLicksoreVolence Has Arrivedmetalblade
72. 2015-11-02Nasty SavageYou Snooze, You LoseAbstract Realitymetalblade
73. 2015-11-02Attackerthe Wrath of NevermoreBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
74. 2015-11-02Flotsam and JetsamMetal ShockDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
75. 2015-11-02BansheeI BelieveCry In The Nightmetalblade
76. 2015-11-02Have MercyThe OmenVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
77. 2015-11-02SlayerHaunting the ChapelHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
78. 2015-11-02SlayerCrionicsShow No Mercymetalblade
79. 2015-11-02Liege LordFalloutMaster Controlmetalblade
80. 2015-11-02VoivodNuclear WarWar and Painmetalblade
81. 2015-10-26King DiamondHalloweenDangerous Meetingmetalblade
82. 2015-10-26Twitching TonguesCruci-FictionDisharmonymetalblade
83. 2015-10-26Electric WizardNight ChildBlack Massesmetalblade
84. 2015-10-26YobAdrift In The OceanAtmametalblade
85. 2015-10-19Cannibal CorpseStriped, Raped, and StrangledThe Bleedingmetalblade
86. 2015-10-19RAMEnslaverSvbversvmmetalblade
87. 2015-10-19Twitching TonguesAsylum AvenueDisharmonymetalblade
88. 2015-10-12Lord Belialthe Ancient SlumberKiss The Goatmetalblade
89. 2015-10-12Cannibal CorpseNecrosadistic WarningKILLmetalblade
90. 2015-09-28Bolt ThrowerDying CreedThe IVth Crusademetalblade
91. 2015-09-28Denner/ShermanWar WitchSatan's Tombmetalblade
92. 2015-09-28EntrailsBloodhammerRaging Deathmetalblade
93. 2015-09-28HellhammerPower Of SatanDemon Entrailsmetalblade
94. 2015-09-21The Black Dahlia MurderThe FogAbysmalmetalblade
95. 2015-09-21Rivers Of NihilSand BaptismMonarchymetalblade
96. 2015-09-14ArtchRazamanazFor The Sake Of Mankindmetalblade
97. 2015-09-14God DethronedAutumn Equinox - Winter Campaign 2002Ravenousmetalblade
98. 2015-09-07SarkeWalls Of RuAruagintmetalblade
99. 2015-09-07Armored SaintLeft Hook From Right FieldLa Razametalblade
100. 2015-09-07The Black Dahlia MurderRe-FacedAbysmalmetalblade
101. 2015-09-07HarlottRestlessProliferationmetalblade
102. 2015-09-07GoatwhoreWhen Steel and Bone MeetBlood For The Mastermetalblade
103. 2015-09-07CripperBloodshot Monkey EyeHyenametalblade
104. 2015-08-31Cannibal Corpsethe Undead Will FeastEaten Back to Lifemetalblade
105. 2015-08-31Rivers Of NihilDehydrateMonarchymetalblade
106. 2015-08-31Job for a CowboyTarnished GluttonyDemonocrasymetalblade
107. 2015-08-24Six Feet UnderBonesawMaximum Violencemetalblade
108. 2015-08-24Cattle DecapitationTooth Enamel And ConcreteThe Harvest Floormetalblade
109. 2015-08-24Liege LordBroken WastelandMaster Controlmetalblade
110. 2015-08-17CandlemassInto The Unfathomed TowerTales of Creationmetalblade
111. 2015-08-10Act Of DefianceThy Lord BelialBirth And The Burialmetalblade
112. 2015-08-03Angel WitchUpon This CrowdAs Above, So Belowmetalblade
113. 2015-08-03BattlecrossAbsenceRise To Powermetalblade
114. 2015-08-03NoctumUntil Then... Until the EndUntil Then... Until the Endmetalblade
115. 2015-08-03Cattle DecapitationPlagueborneThe Anthropocene Extinctionmetalblade
116. 2015-08-03Rivers Of NihilReign Of DreamsMonarchymetalblade
117. 2015-08-03Hammers Of MisfortuneA Room And A RiddleThe August Enginemetalblade
118. 2015-08-03PowerwolfMoscow After DarkThe History Of Heresy II (2009-2012)metalblade
119. 2015-07-27The CrownBlack LightningHell is Heremetalblade
120. 2015-07-27VomitoryTerrorize Brutalize SodomizeTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
121. 2015-07-27SkyforgerCurse of the WitchKurbadsmetalblade
122. 2015-07-20Celtic FrostEternal SummerTo Mega Therionmetalblade
123. 2015-07-20Bolt ThrowerSuspect HostileHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
124. 2015-07-20Cannibal CorpseShredded HumansEaten Back to Lifemetalblade
125. 2015-07-20Cut UpA Butchery ImprovedForensic Nightmaresmetalblade
126. 2015-07-20ArtilleryFear Of TomorrowFear Of Tomorrowmetalblade
127. 2015-07-13AsphyxThe KrusherLast One On Earthmetalblade
128. 2015-07-13SlayerAt Dawn, they sleepHell Awaitsmetalblade
129. 2015-07-06Between the Buried and MeFamine WolfComa Eclipticmetalblade
130. 2015-07-06The Gates of SlumberBeneath The eyes Of MarsHymms Of Blood And Thundermetalblade
131. 2015-06-29Cannibal Corpsethe Cryptic StenchTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
132. 2015-06-29Cut UpForensic NightmareForensic Nightmaresmetalblade
133. 2015-06-22ApophysMiscreantsPrime Incursionmetalblade
134. 2015-06-22TheoriesBathing In Pigs BloodRegressionmetalblade
135. 2015-06-22Cut UpRemember The FleshForensic Nightmaresmetalblade
136. 2015-06-15ApophysRequien For The AbsurdPrime Incursionmetalblade
137. 2015-06-08ManowarBridge Of DeathHell On Stagemetalblade
138. 2015-06-08God DethronedInto a Dark MilleniumThe Grand Grimoiremetalblade
139. 2015-06-01Armored SaintAn Exercise In DebaucheryWin Hands Downmetalblade
140. 2015-05-25PrimordialFallen To RuinStorm Before Calmmetalblade
141. 2015-05-18Anaal NathrakhUnleashDesideratummetalblade
142. 2015-05-18Gehennah666 Drunks & RockMetal Policemetalblade
143. 2015-05-18VomitoryGore ApocalypsePrimal Massacremetalblade
144. 2015-05-11Six Feet UnderLost RemainsCrypts Of The Devilmetalblade
145. 2015-05-11Satan's WrathDiabolical ShudderDie Evilmetalblade
146. 2015-05-11God DethronedTypoid MaryThe Toxic Touchmetalblade
147. 2015-05-11Lord BelialBlack Winter Blood-bathEnter Monlight Gatemetalblade
148. 2015-05-04God DethronedSlaughtering the FaithfulInto the Lungs Of Hellmetalblade
149. 2015-05-04AntiversumFinis AeternitumTotal Vacuummetalblade
150. 2015-05-04AllegaeonFrom the Stars Death CameFormshiftermetalblade
151. 2015-05-04AeonForever NailedBleeding the Falsemetalblade
152. 2015-04-27AbattoirGame Of DeathVicious Attackmetalblade
153. 2015-04-27Nasty SavageThe MorgueNasty Savagemetalblade
154. 2015-04-20Savage GraceBound To Be FreeMaster Of Disguisemetalblade
155. 2015-04-20The Red ChordSend in the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
156. 2015-04-13TheoriesFirst World's Last BreathRegressionmetalblade
157. 2015-04-13PowerwolfMoscow After DarkThe History Of Heresy II (2009-2012)metalblade
158. 2015-03-30ApophysThe Final SleepPrime Incursionmetalblade
159. 2015-03-30AllegaeonThe Azrael TriggerFormshiftermetalblade
160. 2015-03-23ToxikWastelandVarious Artists - Metal Massacre IXmetalblade
161. 2015-03-16Amon AmarthVictorious MarchOnce Sent from the Golden Hallmetalblade
162. 2015-03-16King Of AsgardBrethern Of The NorthFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
163. 2015-03-16VomitoryMarch into OblivionTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
164. 2015-03-09SorcererExorcise The DemonIn The Shadow Of The Inverted Crossmetalblade
165. 2015-03-09TheoriesAbortive CrescentRegressionmetalblade
166. 2015-03-09EntrailsDescend To The BeyondRaging Deathmetalblade
167. 2015-03-02RevocationA Debt Owed To The GraveDeathlessmetalblade
168. 2015-03-02VomitoryNailed, Quarted, ConsomedBlood Rapturemetalblade
169. 2015-02-23EnsifersumHeathen HordeOne Man Armymetalblade
170. 2015-02-16The WrathMidnight MadmanVarious Artist - Metal Massacre IXmetalblade
171. 2015-02-16GehennahBlack Jack LoserMetal Policemetalblade
172. 2015-02-16AllegaeonAtrophy Of HippocratesFragments of Form and Functionmetalblade
173. 2015-02-09VisigothBlood SacrificeThe Revenant Kingmetalblade
174. 2015-01-26SahgBlizzardborneDelusions Of Grandeurmetalblade
175. 2015-01-19VisigothDungeon MasterThe Revenant Kingmetalblade
176. 2015-01-19RAMWelcome To My FuneralUnder Commandmetalblade
177. 2015-01-05God Dethroned2014The Toxic Touchmetalblade
178. 2015-01-05The OceanOne With The OceanAeolianmetalblade
179. 2015-01-05Phoenix MourningOne January MorningWhen Excuses Become Antiquesmetalblade
180. 2015-01-05Cannibal CorpseButchered at BirthButchered At Birthmetalblade
181. 2014-12-29Liege LordKill The King (Rainbow)Master Controlmetalblade
182. 2014-12-29EntrailsThe Cemetery HorrorsRaging Deathmetalblade
183. 2014-12-29The Red ChordUpper DeckerClientsmetalblade
184. 2014-12-29Winter SolsticeMalice In WonderlandThe Fall Of Romemetalblade
185. 2014-12-22Austrian Death MachineJingle BellsA Very Brutal Christmasmetalblade
186. 2014-12-22Savage GraceBound To Be FreeMaster Of Disguisemetalblade
187. 2014-12-22Downfall Of GaiaOf Stillness And SolitudeAeon Unveils The Thrones Of Decaymetalblade
188. 2014-12-15Anaal NathrakhRage & RedDomine Non Es Dignusmetalblade
189. 2014-12-08Job for a CowboySon Of NihilitySun Eatermetalblade
190. 2014-12-08Cannibal CorpseFuneral CremationA Skeletal Domainmetalblade
191. 2014-12-08EntrailsEaten By The DeadThe Tomb Awaitsmetalblade
192. 2014-12-01Bolt ThrowerPowder BurnsMercenarymetalblade
193. 2014-12-01Into the MoatDead Before I StrayThe Designmetalblade
194. 2014-12-01Amon AmarthAerials (System Of A Down)Surtur Risingmetalblade
195. 2014-12-01Sacred ReichDeath SquadIgorancemetalblade
196. 2014-12-01CripperAnimated FleshHyenametalblade
197. 2014-11-24King DiamondSleepless NightsDreams Of Horrormetalblade
198. 2014-11-24EntrailsMidnight DeathResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
199. 2014-11-24Anaal NathrakhDesideratumDesideratummetalblade
200. 2014-11-24RevocationScorched Earth PolicyDeathlessmetalblade
201. 2014-11-17Amon AmarthSabbath Bloody SabbathVersus the Worldmetalblade
202. 2014-11-17PrimordialCome The FloodWhere Greater Men Have Fallenmetalblade
203. 2014-11-17CripperA Dime For The EstablishmentHyenametalblade
204. 2014-11-17Downfall Of GaiaTo Carry My self To The GraveAeon Unveils The Thrones Of Decaymetalblade
205. 2014-11-17Job for a CowboyThe Stone CrossSun Eatermetalblade
206. 2014-11-17Cannibal CorpseHeadlong Into CarnageA Skeletal Domainmetalblade
207. 2014-11-10Liege LordCast OutBurn To My Touchmetalblade
208. 2014-11-10HereticLet There Be BloodThe Breaking Pointmetalblade
209. 2014-11-10CandlemassAncient DreamsAncient Dreamsmetalblade
210. 2014-11-10SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
211. 2014-11-03PrimordialGraven IdolA Journey's Endmetalblade
212. 2014-11-03RevocationDeathlessDeathlessmetalblade
213. 2014-11-03Cannibal CorpseIcepick LobotomyA Skeletal Domainmetalblade
214. 2014-10-27Mercyful FateSold My Soul9metalblade
215. 2014-10-20King DiamondAt The GravesConspiracymetalblade
216. 2014-10-20Cannibal CorpseSadistic EmbodimentA Skeletal Domainmetalblade
217. 2014-10-20RevocationThe Blackest ReachesDeathlessmetalblade
218. 2014-10-20Anaal NathrakhThe One Thing NeedfulDesideratummetalblade
219. 2014-10-20AllegaeonTyrants Of The Terrestrial ExodusElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
220. 2014-10-20Cattle DecapitationOne Thousand Times DecapitationKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
221. 2014-10-20PredatorDemon WitchEasy Preymetalblade
222. 2014-10-13Hail of BulletsFull Scale WarOn Divine Windsmetalblade
223. 2014-10-13GoatwhoreRazor Flesh DevouredCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
224. 2014-10-13Cannibal CorpsePut Them To DeathEaten Back to Lifemetalblade
225. 2014-10-13PredatorShrieks Of TerrorEasy Preymetalblade
226. 2014-10-06RevocationMadness OpusDeathlessmetalblade
227. 2014-09-29Between the Buried and MeLay Your Ghost To RestFuture Sequence: Live From The Fidelitoriummetalblade
228. 2014-09-22Cattle Decapitationthe Regurgitation of CorpsesTo Serve Manmetalblade
229. 2014-09-22ManowarDark AvengerBattle Hymnsmetalblade
230. 2014-09-22SlayerAggressive PerfectorHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
231. 2014-09-15ManowarBrothers Of Metal Part ILouder than Hellmetalblade
232. 2014-09-15Cannibal CorpseKill Or BecomeA Skeletal Domainmetalblade
233. 2014-09-15Bolt ThrowerAnti-Tank (Dead Armour)Those Once Loyalmetalblade
234. 2014-09-08AntropomorphiaCrowned In Smoldering AshRites Ov Perversionmetalblade
235. 2014-09-01MossSerpentTombs of the Blind Druggedmetalblade
236. 2014-08-18DragonForceSymphony Of The NightMaximum Overloadmetalblade
237. 2014-08-18DictatedThe BasherThe Deceivedmetalblade
238. 2014-08-18EntrailsHeadless DawnRaging Deathmetalblade
239. 2014-08-04AllegaeonThe Phylogenesis StretchElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
240. 2014-08-04Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
241. 2014-08-04Liege LordCast OutBurn To My Touchmetalblade
242. 2014-07-28WovenwarTempestWovenwarmetalblade
243. 2014-07-28King Of AsgardRisingKargmetalblade
244. 2014-07-21Hallow's EveMetal MerchantsTales of Terrormetalblade
245. 2014-07-21AllegaeonOur Cosmic CasketElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
246. 2014-07-21ApiaryLustrumLost In Focusmetalblade
247. 2014-07-21EntrailsStormy DeathResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
248. 2014-07-14AllegaeonDyson SphereElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
249. 2014-07-07King Of AsgardRemnant Of The PastKargmetalblade
250. 2014-07-07EntrailsYour Dead Dog SmileResurrected From The Grave (Demo Collection)metalblade
251. 2014-07-07Liege LordFalloutMaster Controlmetalblade
252. 2014-07-07VikingThey Raped The LandMan Of Strawmetalblade
253. 2014-06-30AsphyxDiabolical Existencethe Rackmetalblade
254. 2014-06-23AllegaeonGravimetric Time DilationElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
255. 2014-06-16GoatwhoreReanimated SacrificeConstricting Rage Of The Mercilessmetalblade
256. 2014-06-16Liege LordEye Of The StormMaster Controlmetalblade
257. 2014-06-09AllegaeonThe Phylogenesis StretchElements Of The Infinitemetalblade
258. 2014-06-02VomitoryFlesh PassionTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
259. 2014-06-02Winter SolsticeWatcherThe Fall Of Romemetalblade
260. 2014-06-02BehemothAmenThe Satanistmetalblade
261. 2014-05-19Amon AmarthEmbrace Of The Endless OceanTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
262. 2014-05-19SlayerExpendable YouthSeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
263. 2014-05-19EntrailsChained And DraggedRaging Deathmetalblade
264. 2014-05-12GwarA Gathering Of GhoulsBloody Pit Of Horrormetalblade
265. 2014-05-12DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
266. 2014-04-28Bolt ThrowerThis Time It's WarThe IVth Crusademetalblade
267. 2014-04-28JuggernautWeeping In FireTrouble Withinmetalblade
268. 2014-04-21Sound BarrierOn The LevelThe Speed Of Lightmetalblade
269. 2014-04-21IntruderGenetic GenocideA Higher Form Of Killingmetalblade
270. 2014-04-21Sentinel BeastCorpseDepths Of Deathmetalblade
271. 2014-04-21TyranntLegions Of The DeadLegions Of The Deadmetalblade
272. 2014-04-21ThrustPosers Will DieVarious Artists - Best Of Metal Blade Vol Imetalblade
273. 2014-04-21SlayerTormentorShow No Mercymetalblade
274. 2014-04-21Lizzy BordenEyes Of A StrangerVisual Liesmetalblade
275. 2014-04-07The Black Dahlia MurderA Vulgar PictureMiasmametalblade
276. 2014-04-07Sons of AzraelThe Left Hand PathScouting The Boneyardmetalblade
277. 2014-04-07Lightning Swords Of DeathPsychic WatersBaphometic Chaosiummetalblade
278. 2014-04-07The AbsenceSummoning The DarknessFrom Your Gravemetalblade
279. 2014-03-31FleshcrawlMetal GodsSoulskinnermetalblade
280. 2014-03-31Cannibal CorpseThe Pick-Axe MurdersThe Bleedingmetalblade
281. 2014-03-31BelowGhost Of A ShepherdAcross The Dark Rivermetalblade
282. 2014-03-24GwarLet Us SlayLust In Spacemetalblade
283. 2014-03-24Dave Brockie ExperienceMusic Is Like BeerSongs From The Wrongmetalblade
284. 2014-03-24Liege LordEye Of The StormMaster Controlmetalblade
285. 2014-03-24HereticThe CircleThe Breaking Pointmetalblade
286. 2014-03-17PilgrimThe PaladinII. Void Worshipmetalblade
287. 2014-03-17GwarAntartican Drinking SongCarnival Of Chaosmetalblade
288. 2014-03-10SlayerBorn Of FireSeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
289. 2014-03-10EvocationCorporal Jigsore QuandryExcised And Anatomizedmetalblade
290. 2014-03-03ManowarFight Until We DieWarriors Of The Worldmetalblade
291. 2014-03-03Cattle DecapitationGristle LickerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
292. 2014-03-03WitchsorrowGommorahWitchsorrowmetalblade
293. 2014-03-03SlayerDie By The SwordShow No Mercymetalblade
294. 2014-02-24DestrageG.O.D.Are You Kidding Me? No.metalblade
295. 2014-02-24Flotsam and JetsamN.E.TerrorNo Place For Disgracemetalblade
296. 2014-02-24Mount SalemLucidEndlessmetalblade
297. 2014-02-17ImmolationFather, You're Not A FatherClose To A World Belowmetalblade
298. 2014-02-17Sentinel BeastEvil Is The NightDepths Of Deathmetalblade
299. 2014-02-10SarkeStrange Pungent OdysseyAruagintmetalblade
300. 2014-02-03BehemothFuror DivinusThe Satanistmetalblade
301. 2014-02-03The Lord Weird Slough FegHabeas CorpusDigital Resistancemetalblade
302. 2014-02-03SahgFirechildDelusions Of Grandeurmetalblade
303. 2014-01-27Lizzy BordenFlesheaterThe Murderess Metal Road Showmetalblade
304. 2014-01-27BodyfarmThe Coming ScourgeThe Coming Scourgemetalblade
305. 2014-01-27Down Among The Dead MenThe EpochDown Among The Dead Menmetalblade
306. 2014-01-27Rivers Of NihilBirth Of The OmnisaviorThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
307. 2014-01-20Amon AmarthDeath in FireVarious Artists - Uncorrupted Steel, Vol. 2metalblade
308. 2014-01-13Cattle DecapitationCloacula: the Anthropophagic Compromantik (demo)Various Artists - Uncorrupted Steel, Vol. 2metalblade
309. 2014-01-13Satan's WrathDeath PossessedGalloping Blasphemymetalblade
310. 2014-01-06ImmolationFailures for GodsFailures For Godsmetalblade
311. 2014-01-06SlayerBlood RedSeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
312. 2014-01-06Rivers Of NihilRain EaterThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
313. 2013-12-30EntrailsCadaverous StenchRaging Deathmetalblade
314. 2013-12-30Cannibal CorpseSentenced To BurnGallery Of Suicidemetalblade
315. 2013-12-23Austrian Death MachineJingle BellsA Very Brutal Christmasmetalblade
316. 2013-12-23ZombifiedCorrosive SpiralCarnage Slaughter And Deathmetalblade
317. 2013-12-23AncientsSleeping Princess Of The ArgesMad Grandoise Bloodfriendsmetalblade
318. 2013-12-16DemonicalKing Of AllDarkness Unboundmetalblade
319. 2013-12-16Hail of BulletsDeath Of A Field MarshalIII The Rommel Chroniclesmetalblade
320. 2013-12-16Satan's WrathEcstasies Of SorceryAeons Of Satan's Reignmetalblade
321. 2013-12-16Ereb AltorNifelheimFire Meets Icemetalblade
322. 2013-12-02Rivers Of NihilPlace Of SerpentsThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
323. 2013-11-25Hail of BulletsFarewell To AfricaIII The Rommel Chroniclesmetalblade
324. 2013-11-25SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
325. 2013-11-25Satan's WrathAll Of Us WitchesAeons Of Satan's Reignmetalblade
326. 2013-11-18Pentagram clSpontaneous CombustionThe Maleficemetalblade
327. 2013-11-18ArtilleryGlobal FlatlineLegionsmetalblade
328. 2013-11-18Rivers Of NihilA Fertile AltarThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
329. 2013-11-18Hail of BulletsPour Le MeriteIII The Rommel Chroniclesmetalblade
330. 2013-11-11Nasty SavageIncursion DemetiaIndulgencemetalblade
331. 2013-11-11CitiesDecieverAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
332. 2013-11-11CandlemassAt The Gallows EndAt The Gallows Endmetalblade
333. 2013-11-11SodomEquinoxObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
334. 2013-11-11Cirith UngolChaos DescendsOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
335. 2013-11-04Hail of BulletsThe Desert FoxIII The Rommel Chroniclesmetalblade
336. 2013-11-04Satan's WrathArchfiendAeons Of Satan's Reignmetalblade
337. 2013-11-04Kill DivisionSadistic OppressorDestructive Forcemetalblade
338. 2013-11-04CancerGruesome TasksDeath Shall Raisemetalblade
339. 2013-11-04Rivers Of NihilMechanical TreesThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
340. 2013-10-21Hail of BulletsDestroyerWarsaw Risingmetalblade
341. 2013-10-21OmenRuby Eyes (Of The Serpent)Various Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
342. 2013-10-21the AbsenceMy RuinFrom Your Gravemetalblade
343. 2013-10-21ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
344. 2013-10-21In SolitudeDeath Knows WhereSistermetalblade
345. 2013-10-21PrimordialThe Burning SeasonA Journey's Endmetalblade
346. 2013-10-21Ereb AltorSacrificeFire Meets Icemetalblade
347. 2013-10-14Ereb AltorNifelheimFire Meets Icemetalblade
348. 2013-10-14In SolitudeSisterSistermetalblade
349. 2013-10-14Rivers Of NihilSoil & SeedThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
350. 2013-10-14Kill DivisionMade Of LiesDestructive Forcemetalblade
351. 2013-10-14NoctumLiberty In DeathFinal Sacrificemetalblade
352. 2013-10-14WitchkillerCry WolfDay Of The Saxonsmetalblade
353. 2013-10-07Ereb AltorThe Chosen OnesFire Meets Icemetalblade
354. 2013-10-07HorisontBackstreetTime Warriorsmetalblade
355. 2013-10-07In SolitudePallid HandsSistermetalblade
356. 2013-10-07Iron ManThe Worst And Longest DaySouth Of The Earthmetalblade
357. 2013-10-07Kill DivisionFear Of LifeDestructive Forcemetalblade
358. 2013-10-07NoctumResurrected In EvilFinal Sacrificemetalblade
359. 2013-10-07Rivers Of NihilCentral AntheneumThe Conscious Seed Of Lightmetalblade
360. 2013-09-30Charred Walls Of The DamnedIn A World So CruelCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
361. 2013-09-23Fates WarningGiant's Lore (Heart Of Winter)Awaken the Guardianmetalblade
362. 2013-09-23Cattle DecapitationReduced To PasteHumanuremetalblade
363. 2013-09-23MonstrosityAbysmal GodsRise To Powermetalblade
364. 2013-09-23The CrownFace The Destruction-Deep Hit Of DeathPossessed 13metalblade
365. 2013-09-16HelstarWinds Of WarRising From The Gravemetalblade
366. 2013-09-16TYRMare Of My NightValkyrjametalblade
367. 2013-09-16FacebreakerZombie Flesh CultDedicated To The Fleshmetalblade
368. 2013-09-09Hail of BulletsOperation ZOn Divine Windsmetalblade
369. 2013-09-09HellhammerBlood InsanityDemon Entrailsmetalblade
370. 2013-09-09EntrailsCarved To The BoneRaging Deathmetalblade
371. 2013-09-09FacebreakerMutilatorDedicated To The Fleshmetalblade
372. 2013-09-09SlayerSkeletons of SocietySeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
373. 2013-09-02EvocationTerminal Spirit DiseaseExcised And Anatomizedmetalblade
374. 2013-09-02FacebreakerCatacombDedicated To The Fleshmetalblade
375. 2013-09-02ShakhtyorShakhtyorHandschuhmannmetalblade
376. 2013-09-02TyrHel Hath No FuryValkyrjametalblade
377. 2013-09-02Cannibal CorpseAddicated to Vaginal SkinTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
378. 2013-08-19OmenDie By The BladeBattle Crymetalblade
379. 2013-08-19Amon AmarthBlood EagleDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
380. 2013-08-19In SolitudeDemonsThe World The Flesh The Devilmetalblade
381. 2013-08-19Cattle DecapitationLong-pig Chef and the Hairless GoatTo Serve Manmetalblade
382. 2013-08-12EnthronedSatan Never SleepsRegie Sathanas: A Tribute To Cernunnosmetalblade
383. 2013-08-12GwarAbyss Of WoeVolence Has Arrivedmetalblade
384. 2013-08-05WitchkillerRiders Of DoomDay Of The Saxonsmetalblade
385. 2013-08-05Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
386. 2013-08-05BattlecrossMy VaccineWar Of Willmetalblade
387. 2013-08-05The Gates of SlumberThe Scourge Ov DarknessThe Wretchmetalblade
388. 2013-08-05The Lord Weird Slough FegThe WickermanTwilight Of The Idolsmetalblade
389. 2013-07-29CandlemassA Cry From The CryptAncient Dreamsmetalblade
390. 2013-07-29Fates WarningShades Of Heavenly DeathNo Exitmetalblade
391. 2013-07-29RAMHypnosDeathmetalblade
392. 2013-07-29SacrificeHomocidal BreathTorment in Firemetalblade
393. 2013-07-29OmenBring Out The BeastBattle Crymetalblade
394. 2013-07-15Austrian Death MachineGet To The ChoppaA Very Brutal Christmasmetalblade
395. 2013-07-15Amon AmarthWe Shall DestroyDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
396. 2013-07-15EntrailsHeadless DawnRaging Deathmetalblade
397. 2013-07-08ManowarGod's Made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
398. 2013-07-01BehemothThy Winter KingdomDemoniametalblade
399. 2013-07-01Amon AmarthFather Of The WolfDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
400. 2013-07-01Winter Solsticefollowing caligulaThe Fall Of Romemetalblade
401. 2013-07-01Cannibal CorpseBeheading and BurningEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
402. 2013-07-01CitiesStop The RaceAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
403. 2013-07-01Tomorrow's ChildWalk In The WoodsVarious Artists: Street Survivorsmetalblade
404. 2013-07-01AttackerThe HermitBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
405. 2013-06-24Amon AmarthAs Loke FallsDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
406. 2013-06-24Hiraxlightning thunderVarious Artists - Speed Metalmetalblade
407. 2013-06-24ExumerI Dare YouFire & Damnationmetalblade
408. 2013-06-24Broken HopeEngored With ImpietyRepulsive Conceptionmetalblade
409. 2013-06-24BehemothAtlas, Lord Is Upon MeEvangelionmetalblade
410. 2013-06-17Amon AmarthWe Shall DestroyDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
411. 2013-06-17AeonDead Means DeadAeons Blackmetalblade
412. 2013-06-17EntrailsCarved To The BoneRaging Deathmetalblade
413. 2013-06-10Cannibal CorpseScalding HailEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
414. 2013-06-10Age Of TaurusAlways In The EyeDesperate Souls Of Tortured Timesmetalblade
415. 2013-06-10The Devil's Blood...If Not A Vessel?III: Tabila Rasa OR Death And The Seven Pillarsmetalblade
416. 2013-06-10Amon AmarthFather OF The WolfDeceiver Of The Godsmetalblade
417. 2013-06-10The Black Dahlia MurderPhantom Limb MasturbationEverblackmetalblade
418. 2013-06-10EntrailsDeath LeagueRaging Deathmetalblade
419. 2013-06-10ImmolationNo Forgivenes (without Bloodshed)Dawn of Possessionmetalblade
420. 2013-06-10Beyond The ShoreTransitionsGhostwatchermetalblade
421. 2013-06-10FireNever RunVarious Artists: Street Survivorsmetalblade
422. 2013-06-03Hallow's Evemetal merchantsVarious Artists - Speed Metalmetalblade
423. 2013-06-03Beyond The ShoreGlass HousesGhostwatchermetalblade
424. 2013-06-03AbioticVermosapienSymbiosismetalblade
425. 2013-06-03Razor of OccamHomage To MartyrsHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
426. 2013-06-03SlayerEvil Has no BoundariesVarious Artists - Speed Metalmetalblade
427. 2013-06-03AttackerDownfallBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
428. 2013-06-03CitiesCruel SeaAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
429. 2013-05-27King DiamondSleep tight Little BabyThe Graveyard (reissue)metalblade
430. 2013-05-27OmenRadar LoveEscape To Nowheremetalblade
431. 2013-05-27EntrailsCadaverous StenchRaging Deathmetalblade
432. 2013-05-27FleshwroughtFinal NauseaDementia Dyslexiametalblade
433. 2013-05-27Bolt ThrowerThe KillchainThose Once Loyalmetalblade
434. 2013-05-27AttackerDiscipleVarious Artists - the Best Of Metal Blade vol Imetalblade
435. 2013-05-20WitchkillerDay Of The SaxonsDay Of The Saxonsmetalblade
436. 2013-05-20Sky ForgerThe Nine-HeadedKurbadsmetalblade
437. 2013-05-20Sacred ReichCrimes Against HumanityLive At Wackenmetalblade
438. 2013-05-20Broken HopeEngored With ImpietyRepulsive Conceptionmetalblade
439. 2013-05-20Fragments Of UnbecomingDear Floating WaterSterling Black Iconmetalblade
440. 2013-05-13EntrailsHeadless DawnRaging Deathmetalblade
441. 2013-05-13Fragments Of Unbecomingthe seventh sunray enlights my pathwaySkywards I A Sylphe's Ascensionmetalblade
442. 2013-05-13God DethronedPoison FogPassiondalemetalblade
443. 2013-05-13Hail of BulletsOperation ZOn Divine Windsmetalblade
444. 2013-05-13As I Lay DyingDistance is DarknessFrail Words Collapsemetalblade
445. 2013-05-06CandlemassThrough The Infinite Halls Of DeathTales of Creationmetalblade
446. 2013-05-06Fates WarningShades Of Heavenly DeathNo Exitmetalblade
447. 2013-05-06CitiesInnocent VictimAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
448. 2013-05-06Amon AmarthGuardians of AsgaardTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
449. 2013-05-06AttackerSlayer's BladeBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
450. 2013-04-29EntrailsBloodhammerRaging Deathmetalblade
451. 2013-04-29The OceanBathyalpelagic I: ImpassesPelegialmetalblade
452. 2013-04-29Bloody CeremonyGoodbye GeminiThe Eldritch Darkmetalblade
453. 2013-04-29EldkraftFat's DoorShamanmetalblade
454. 2013-04-29Liege LordFeel The BladeMaster Controlmetalblade
455. 2013-04-22ObsessionMarshall LawMarshall Law - singlemetalblade
456. 2013-04-22SlayerDie By The SwordShow No Mercymetalblade
457. 2013-04-22AttackerThe HermitBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
458. 2013-04-15EvocationMurder in PassionApocalypticmetalblade
459. 2013-04-15Cannibal CorpsePick-Ax MurdersThe Bleedingmetalblade
460. 2013-04-15GoatwhoreCarving Out the Eyes of GodCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
461. 2013-04-15SlayerHell AwaitsHell Awaitsmetalblade
462. 2013-04-08CathedralCathedral Of The DamnedThe Last Spiremetalblade
463. 2013-04-08PursonSailor's Wife's LamentThe Circle And The Blue Doormetalblade
464. 2013-04-08PyrithionRest In The Arms Of Paralyzed BeastThe Burden Of Sorrow - Singlemetalblade
465. 2013-04-08WhitechapelDevirgination StudiesThe Somatic Defilementmetalblade
466. 2013-04-08Bolt ThrowerThrough The AgesThe IVth Crusademetalblade
467. 2013-04-01Cattle DecapitationForced Gender ReassignmentMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
468. 2013-03-25Memory GardenDoomainDoomainmetalblade
469. 2013-03-25Flotsam and JetsamUgly NoiseUgly Noisemetalblade
470. 2013-03-25MoosThe Bleeding YearsHorrible Nightmetalblade
471. 2013-03-18Electric WizardNight ChildBlack Massesmetalblade
472. 2013-03-11Cannibal CorpseSentenced To BurnGallery Of Suicidemetalblade
473. 2013-03-11Beyond The ShoreHalf LivedGhostwatchermetalblade
474. 2013-03-11Six Feet UnderZombie Blood CurseUnbornmetalblade
475. 2013-03-11CandlemassA Tale Of CreationTales of Creationmetalblade
476. 2013-03-04Liege LordBroken WastelandMaster Controlmetalblade
477. 2013-02-25SlayerSeasons in the AbyssSeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
478. 2013-02-25ZombifiedCarnage Slaughter And DeathCarnage Slaughter And Deathmetalblade
479. 2013-02-25NeaeraOurs Is The StormOurs Is The Stormmetalblade
480. 2013-02-25Gloria MortiOur God Is WarLateral Constraintmetalblade
481. 2013-02-25NightfallOberon & TitaniaCassiopeiametalblade
482. 2013-02-25VomitoryTerrorize Brutalize SodomizeTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
483. 2013-02-25Downfall Of GaiaDrowning By Wing BeatsSuffocating In The Swarm Of Cranesmetalblade
484. 2013-02-18The Black Dahlia Murderto a Breathless OblivionNocturnalmetalblade
485. 2013-02-11RamHypnosDeathmetalblade
486. 2013-02-11ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
487. 2013-02-11Shai HuludA Human FailingReach Beyond The Sunmetalblade
488. 2013-02-11Lightning Swords Of DeathChained To DecayBaphometic Chaosiummetalblade
489. 2013-02-11Sky ForgerThe Last BattleKurbadsmetalblade
490. 2013-02-11Raven Black NightNocturnal BirthBarbarian Wintermetalblade
491. 2013-02-11King Of AsgardPlague-Ridden Rebirth...To Northmetalblade
492. 2013-02-04NeaeraEight Thousand Sorrows DeepForging The Eclipsemetalblade
493. 2013-01-28Beyond the Sixth SealEverything Toughthe Resurrection of Everything Toughmetalblade
494. 2013-01-28RamHypnosDeathmetalblade
495. 2013-01-28Lightning Swords Of DeathPsychic WatersBaphometic Chaosiummetalblade
496. 2013-01-28Raven Black NightMorbid GladiatorBarbarian Wintermetalblade
497. 2013-01-28WitchsorrowImpaler, TepesWitchsorrowmetalblade
498. 2013-01-14Amon AmarthGuardians of AsgaardTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
499. 2013-01-14Sky ForgerThe Nine-HeadedKurbadsmetalblade
500. 2013-01-07Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
501. 2013-01-07SlayerSkeletons of SocietySeasons in the Abyssmetalblade
502. 2012-12-31Fates WarningShades Of Heavenly DeathNo Exitmetalblade
503. 2012-12-31ManowarBlack Wind, Fire And StelFighting the Worldmetalblade
504. 2012-12-24VomitoryThe Dead AwakenOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
505. 2012-12-24ExumerCrushing PointFire & Damnationmetalblade
506. 2012-12-24The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
507. 2012-12-24HelstarAbandon ShipA Distant Thundermetalblade
508. 2012-12-24CitiesFight For Your LifeAnnihilation Absolutemetalblade
509. 2012-12-24SodomAgent OrangeAgent Orangemetalblade
510. 2012-12-24Fates WarningMisfitsNight on Brockenmetalblade
511. 2012-12-24Bison BCClozapine DreamLovelessnessmetalblade
512. 2012-12-24Between the Buried and MeLunar WildernessThe Parallaxmetalblade
513. 2012-12-24Cannibal CorpseBryond The CemeteryTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
514. 2012-12-17SacrificeFlames Of ArmageddonForward to Terminationmetalblade
515. 2012-12-17Job for a CowboySuspended By The ThroatDoommetalblade
516. 2012-12-17AeonBlessed By The PriestAeons Blackmetalblade
517. 2012-12-10AeonMaze Of DamnedAeons Blackmetalblade
518. 2012-12-10Flotsam and JetsamHammerheadVarious Artists - 20 years of metal blademetalblade
519. 2012-12-03Six Feet UnderWar is ComingWarpathmetalblade
520. 2012-12-03Celtic FrostJewel ThroneTo Mega Therionmetalblade
521. 2012-12-03Cannibal CorpseEncased In ConcreteTorturemetalblade
522. 2012-12-03Crown1999-revolution - 666Hell Is Heremetalblade
523. 2012-11-26As I Lay DyingNo Lungs To BreatheAwakenedmetalblade
524. 2012-11-26AntropomorphiaEvangelivm NekromantiaEvangelivm Nekromantiametalblade
525. 2012-11-19ExumerFallen SaintFire & Damnationmetalblade
526. 2012-11-19King Of AsgardThe Dispossessed... to Northmetalblade
527. 2012-11-19AbioticThe SingeSymbiosismetalblade
528. 2012-11-19AeonI Wish You DeathAeons Blackmetalblade
529. 2012-11-19Satan's WrathOne Thousand Goats In SodomGalloping Blasphemymetalblade
530. 2012-11-12Sentinel BeastRevengeDepths Of Deathmetalblade
531. 2012-11-12Flotsam and JetsamHammerheadDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
532. 2012-11-12AeonThe Glowing HateAeons Blackmetalblade
533. 2012-11-12Sacred ReichIgnoranceLive At Wackenmetalblade
534. 2012-11-12Six Feet UnderThe ScarUndeadmetalblade
535. 2012-11-12Uncle Acid & The DeadbeatsI'm Here To Kill YouBlood Lustmetalblade
536. 2012-11-12IntruderGenetic GenocideA Higher Form Of Killingmetalblade
537. 2012-11-12The Gates of SlumberTo The Rack With ThemThe Wretchmetalblade
538. 2012-11-05Cirith UngolNadsokorOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
539. 2012-11-05Liege LordPatriot Of DespairBurn To My Touchmetalblade
540. 2012-10-29Satan's WrathGalloping BlasphemyGalloping Blasphemymetalblade
541. 2012-10-29Cannibal CorpseFucked with a Knife (live)Live Cannibalismmetalblade
542. 2012-10-29Cirith UngolWar EternalOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
543. 2012-10-29AbioticThe SingeSymbiosismetalblade
544. 2012-10-22King Of AsgardThe Nine Worlds Burn... to Northmetalblade
545. 2012-10-22Amon AmarthAcross The Rainbow BridgeVersus the Worldmetalblade
546. 2012-10-22AntropomorphiaFleischEvangelivm Nekromantiametalblade
547. 2012-10-22AllegaeonA Path DisclosedFormshiftermetalblade
548. 2012-10-15AbioticConquest Of GlieseSymbiosismetalblade
549. 2012-10-15AntropomorphiaDebauchery In PutrefactionEvangelivm Nekromantiametalblade
550. 2012-10-15SlayerPiece by PieceReign in Bloodmetalblade
551. 2012-10-08As I Lay DyingWasted WordsAwakenedmetalblade
552. 2012-10-08Satan's WrathDeath To LifeGalloping Blasphemymetalblade
553. 2012-10-01SlayerHell AwaitsHell Awaitsmetalblade
554. 2012-10-01Cannibal CorpsePerverse SufferingVilemetalblade
555. 2012-10-01Flotsam and JetsamOctober ThornsWhen the Storm Comes Downmetalblade
556. 2012-10-01Between the Buried and MeLay Your Ghosts To RestThe Parallax II: Future Sequencemetalblade
557. 2012-09-24Between the Buried and MeExtremophile EliteThe Parallax II: Future Sequencemetalblade
558. 2012-09-24Downfall Of GaiaDrowning By Wing BeatsSuffocating In The Swarm Of Cranesmetalblade
559. 2012-09-24Savage GraceTrial By FireVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade IImetalblade
560. 2012-09-24Fates WarningThe ApparationVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade IIImetalblade
561. 2012-09-24Dead EndPhantom NationVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
562. 2012-09-24OmenRudy EyesVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
563. 2012-09-24Lizzy BordenLorde Of The FliesVisual Liesmetalblade
564. 2012-09-24Flotsam and JetsamI Live, You DieVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
565. 2012-09-17Mercyful FateThe Lady Who CriesDead Againmetalblade
566. 2012-09-17AllegaeonIconic ImagesFormshiftermetalblade
567. 2012-09-17King Of AsgardThe Dispossessed... to Northmetalblade
568. 2012-09-17Satan's WrathOne Thousand Goats In SodomGalloping Blasphemymetalblade
569. 2012-09-17As I Lay DyingResilienceAwakenedmetalblade
570. 2012-09-17The Gates of SlumberBastard BornThe Wretchmetalblade
571. 2012-09-17Over Your ThresholdCortical BlindnessFactictymetalblade
572. 2012-09-17VikingWhite DeathMan Of Strawmetalblade
573. 2012-09-10Cannibal Corpsehammer Smash FaceTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
574. 2012-09-10SlayerTermentorShow No Mercymetalblade
575. 2012-09-03Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
576. 2012-09-03Cannibal CorpseMangledEaten Back to Lifemetalblade
577. 2012-09-03Over Your ThresholdSelf ExhibitionFactictymetalblade
578. 2012-08-27ExumerFallen SaintFire & Damnationmetalblade
579. 2012-08-27Metal Churchthe BraveVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
580. 2012-08-27Over Your ThresholdObscure Mind StasisFactictymetalblade
581. 2012-08-27Sentinel BeastDogs Of WarsVarious Artists - The Best Of Metal Blade IImetalblade
582. 2012-08-20Cannibal CorpseIntestinal CrankTorturemetalblade
583. 2012-08-13Darkness By OathFallen Angel Of DeathNear Death Experiencemetalblade
584. 2012-08-13Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
585. 2012-08-13HereticImpulseVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
586. 2012-08-13Cannibal CorpseMummified in Barbed WireVilemetalblade
587. 2012-08-06The ForeshadowingFallen ReignOionosmetalblade
588. 2012-08-06Darkness By OathStreams Of BloodNear Death Experiencemetalblade
589. 2012-08-06MartyrScene Of HellCircle Of 8metalblade
590. 2012-08-06The Cory Smoot ExperimentBrainfadeWhen Worlds Collidemetalblade
591. 2012-08-06Sentinel BeastSentinal BeastVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
592. 2012-08-06Flotsam and JetsamI Live, You DieVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
593. 2012-07-30OmenKing Of The HillEscape To Nowheremetalblade
594. 2012-07-30Have MercyThe OmenVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
595. 2012-07-30The Cory Smoot ExperimentWhen Worlds CollideWhen Worlds Collidemetalblade
596. 2012-07-30WhitechapelSection 8Whitechapelmetalblade
597. 2012-07-30GoatwhoreEmbodiment Of This Bitter ChoasBlood For The Mastermetalblade
598. 2012-07-30VehemenceWe Are All DyingHelping the World to Seemetalblade
599. 2012-07-30King DiamondNo Presents for ChristmasNo Presents for Christmasmetalblade
600. 2012-07-30Lizzy BordenLorde Of The FliesVisual Liesmetalblade
601. 2012-07-23Cattle DecapitationThe MonolithMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
602. 2012-07-23Amon AmarthWhere is Your God?Twilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
603. 2012-07-16Bolt ThrowerLast Stand Of HumanityThose Once Loyalmetalblade
604. 2012-07-16Cannibal CorpseFollowed Home Then KilledTorturemetalblade
605. 2012-07-16WitchsorrowGod Curse UsGod Curse Usmetalblade
606. 2012-07-16Paths of Possessionbring me the head of ChristPromises In Bloodmetalblade
607. 2012-07-16Six Feet UnderSnakesTrue Carnagemetalblade
608. 2012-07-09Cattle DecapitationThe Carbon StampedeMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
609. 2012-07-09Job for a CowboyTongueless And BoundDemonocrasymetalblade
610. 2012-07-09IpsissimusThe Alchemist's GoatthroneThe Way Of Descentmetalblade
611. 2012-07-02ManowarKing Of KingsGods Of Warmetalblade
612. 2012-07-02WitchsorrowMasters Of NothingGod Curse Usmetalblade
613. 2012-07-02Mercyful FateHouse On The Hill9metalblade
614. 2012-07-02Cryptic SlaughterReich Of TortureVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VIImetalblade
615. 2012-07-02Yobball of molten leadThe Illusion Of Motionmetalblade
616. 2012-06-25Amon Amarththe Sound of Eight HoovesThe Crushermetalblade
617. 2012-06-25AllegaeonA Path DisclosedFormshiftermetalblade
618. 2012-06-25Bolt ThrowerEntrenchedThose Once Loyalmetalblade
619. 2012-06-25Cattle DecapitationDead Set On SuicideMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
620. 2012-06-25AnacrusisPaint A PictureManic Impressionsmetalblade
621. 2012-06-25ExumerThe Weakest LimbFire & Damnationmetalblade
622. 2012-06-18HadesActive ContritionSavior Selfmetalblade
623. 2012-06-18As I Lay DyingForeverFrail Words Collapsemetalblade
624. 2012-06-18AstraCocoonThe Black Chordmetalblade
625. 2012-06-18AllegaeonTimeline DissonanceFormshiftermetalblade
626. 2012-06-11OSIEnemy PrayerFire Make Thundermetalblade
627. 2012-06-11Cancer BatsR.A.T.S.Dead Set On Livingmetalblade
628. 2012-06-11TyrantWarriors Of MetalLegions Of The Deadmetalblade
629. 2012-06-11Cattle DecapitationDo Not ResuscitateMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
630. 2012-06-04ExumerWaking The FireFire & Damnationmetalblade
631. 2012-06-04Cattle DecapitationProjectile OvulationMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
632. 2012-05-28Church of MiseryCities On FlameMasters Of Brutalitymetalblade
633. 2012-05-21Church of MiseryOne Way... Or Ather (Cactus Cover)The Second Comingmetalblade
634. 2012-05-21Cattle DecapitationLifestalkerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
635. 2012-05-14The Devil's BloodSheThe Thousandfold Epicentremetalblade
636. 2012-05-14Cattle DecapitationDead Set On SuicideMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
637. 2012-05-14AllegaeonThe Azrael TriggerFormshiftermetalblade
638. 2012-05-07Six Feet UnderBack In BlackGraveyard Classics 2metalblade
639. 2012-05-07Cannibal CorpseCrucifier AvengedTorturemetalblade
640. 2012-05-07Cattle DecapitationGristle LickerMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
641. 2012-05-07ExumerThe Weakest LimbFire & Damnationmetalblade
642. 2012-05-07Job for a CowboyBlack DischargeDemonocrasymetalblade
643. 2012-05-07AllegaeonFrom the Stars Death CameFormshiftermetalblade
644. 2012-04-30ApiaryBliss In VainLost In Focusmetalblade
645. 2012-04-30Cattle DecapitationForce Gender ReassignmentMonolith Of Inhumanitymetalblade
646. 2012-04-30AllegaeonA Path DisclosedFormshiftermetalblade
647. 2012-04-30Angel WitchWitching HourAs Above, So Belowmetalblade
648. 2012-04-30WarlordAliensLost And Lonely Daysmetalblade
649. 2012-04-23Nasty SavageThe MorgueNasty Savagemetalblade
650. 2012-04-23Fates WarningNight On BrokenNight on Brockenmetalblade
651. 2012-04-23DestructionConfused MindEternal Devastationmetalblade
652. 2012-04-23Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
653. 2012-04-16Arch/MatheosIncense And MyrrhSympathetic Resonancemetalblade
654. 2012-04-09ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
655. 2012-04-09Job for a CowboyBlack DischargeDemonocrasymetalblade
656. 2012-04-09Angel WitchInto The DarkAs Above, So Belowmetalblade
657. 2012-04-09Flesh CrawlInto The Depths Of No ReturnMade Of Fleshmetalblade
658. 2012-04-09Cannibal CorpseDemented AggressionTorturemetalblade
659. 2012-04-02Six Feet UnderWar is ComingWarpathmetalblade
660. 2012-04-02The Red ChordUpper DeckerClientsmetalblade
661. 2012-03-26Cannibal CorpseThe Strangulation ChairTorturemetalblade
662. 2012-03-26GoatwhoreWhen Steel and Bone MeetBlood For The Mastermetalblade
663. 2012-03-19Cannibal CorpseCrucifier AvengedTorturemetalblade
664. 2012-03-19PilgrimAstarothMisery Wizardmetalblade
665. 2012-03-19Callenish CirclePull the Plug (Death Cover)Flesh Power Dominionmetalblade
666. 2012-03-12MartyrArt Of DesceptionCircle Of 8metalblade
667. 2012-03-12SacrificeForever EnslavedForward to Terminationmetalblade
668. 2012-03-12Cannibal CorpseAs Deep As The Knife Will GoTorturemetalblade
669. 2012-03-12DesasterThe Art Of DestructionThe Arts Of Destructionmetalblade
670. 2012-03-05Cannibal CorpseFollowed Home Then KilledTorturemetalblade
671. 2012-03-05GoatwhoreWhen Steel and Bone MeetBlood For The Mastermetalblade
672. 2012-03-05Fates WarningPoint of ViewParallelsmetalblade
673. 2012-03-05DesasterQueens Of SodomyThe Arts Of Destructionmetalblade
674. 2012-02-27Cannibal CorpseEncased In ConcreteTorturemetalblade
675. 2012-02-27Arch/MatheosMidnight SerenadeSympathetic Resonancemetalblade
676. 2012-02-27GoatwhoreParasitic Scriptures Of The Sacred WordBlood For The Mastermetalblade
677. 2012-02-27PilgrimAdventurerMisery Wizardmetalblade
678. 2012-02-20Cannibal CorpsePit of ZombiesGore Obsessedmetalblade
679. 2012-02-20BattlecrossPush Pull DestroyPursuit Of Honormetalblade
680. 2012-02-20Charred Walls Of The DamnedForever Marching OnCold Winds On Timeless Daysmetalblade
681. 2012-02-20The OceanOne With The OceanAeolianmetalblade
682. 2012-02-20RAMRelease MeDeathmetalblade
683. 2012-02-20Sacred ReichWar PigsSurf Nicaraguametalblade
684. 2012-02-13DestructionCurse of the GodsEternal Devastationmetalblade
685. 2012-02-13The Devil's BloodWithin the Charnel House Of LoveThe Thousandfold Epicentremetalblade
686. 2012-02-13VomitoryDefiled and InferiorTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
687. 2012-02-13Cannibal CorpseStabbed in the ThroatGallery Of Suicidemetalblade
688. 2012-02-13As You DrownYou Should Be ParanoidRat Kingmetalblade
689. 2012-02-13AmdusciasBlood from your HeartAmdusciasmetalblade
690. 2012-02-06OmenDie By The BladeBattle Crymetalblade
691. 2012-02-06MurdercarMirage Of BloodVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Xmetalblade
692. 2012-02-06Amon AmarthThe Last with Pagan BloodAvengermetalblade
693. 2012-01-30DemonicalMarch For VictoryDeath Infernalmetalblade
694. 2012-01-30Bolt ThrowerThe KillchainThose Once Loyalmetalblade
695. 2012-01-30The Devil's BloodFire BurningThe Thousandfold Epicentremetalblade
696. 2012-01-23The Black Dahlia MurderDenounced, DisgracedDefloratemetalblade
697. 2012-01-23RAMI Am The EndDeathmetalblade
698. 2012-01-23The CrownAt the EndHell is Heremetalblade
699. 2012-01-23Sky ForgerBewitched ForestKurbadsmetalblade
700. 2012-01-16Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
701. 2012-01-16ApiaryBliss In VainLost In Focusmetalblade
702. 2012-01-16DemonicalRavenousDeath Infernalmetalblade
703. 2012-01-16Cattle DecapitationWe Are Horrible PeopleThe Harvest Floormetalblade
704. 2012-01-16AnvilBlood On The IcePound For Poundmetalblade
705. 2012-01-09Bolt ThrowerLaid To WasteMercenarymetalblade
706. 2012-01-09Celtic FrostProcreation Of The WickedMorbid Talesmetalblade
707. 2012-01-02Molotov SolutionOnly The DeadThe Harbingermetalblade
708. 2012-01-02Rose FuneralBeyond The EntombedGates of Punishmentmetalblade
709. 2012-01-02As You DrownSlave To The Kingdom Of FearRat Kingmetalblade
710. 2012-01-02ManowarThe Blood Of OdinGods Of Warmetalblade
711. 2012-01-02As I Lay DyingWar EnsembleDecasmetalblade
712. 2011-12-26SlayerAt Dawn, They SleepHell Awaitsmetalblade
713. 2011-12-19Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
714. 2011-12-19As You DrownYour Loyal BetrayerRat Kingmetalblade
715. 2011-12-19The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
716. 2011-12-19BattlecrossMan Of StonePursuit Of Honormetalblade
717. 2011-12-19Rose FuneralBeyond The EntombedGates of Punishmentmetalblade
718. 2011-12-19Charred Walls Of The DamnedBloodwormCold Winds On Timeless Daysmetalblade
719. 2011-12-12IntruderKiss Of DeathEscape From Painmetalblade
720. 2011-12-12DestructionCurse Of The GodsEternal Devastationmetalblade
721. 2011-12-12The Red ChordHour Of RatsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
722. 2011-12-12As I Lay DyingFrom Shapeless To BreakableDecasmetalblade
723. 2011-12-05MartyrInsensible ScreamCircle Of 8metalblade
724. 2011-12-05VomitoryCombat PsychosisOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
725. 2011-12-05PortraitThe NightcomersCrimen Laesae Majestatis Divinaemetalblade
726. 2011-12-05The OceanSwoonAeolianmetalblade
727. 2011-12-05Glorior BelliThey Call Me Black DevilThe Great Southern Darknessmetalblade
728. 2011-11-28In RuinsForest Of The ImpaledFour Seasons Of Greymetalblade
729. 2011-11-28Glorior BelliThe Foolhardy VenturerThe Great Southern Darknessmetalblade
730. 2011-11-21BattlecrossPush Pull DestroyPursuit Of Honormetalblade
731. 2011-11-14Hallow's EvePlunging To MegadeathVarious Artists - Best of Metal Blade IImetalblade
732. 2011-11-14OmenInto The ArenaBattle Crymetalblade
733. 2011-11-14Flotsam and JetsamFade To BlackDoomsday For The Deceivermetalblade
734. 2011-11-14VoivodSuck Your BoneWar and Painmetalblade
735. 2011-11-07Glorior BelliNewgative IncarnateThe Great Southern Darknessmetalblade
736. 2011-11-07DemonicalBlack InfernoDeath Infernalmetalblade
737. 2011-11-07MartyrArt Of DesceptionCircle Of 8metalblade
738. 2011-11-07WhitechapelSection 8Recorruptedmetalblade
739. 2011-11-07AutumnBlack Stars In A Blue SkyCold Comfortmetalblade
740. 2011-11-07Bolt ThrowerTo The Last...Mercenarymetalblade
741. 2011-11-07WarlordLost And Lonely DaysLost And Lonely Daysmetalblade
742. 2011-10-31GorerottedZombie Graveyard Rape BonanzaOnly Tools and Corpsesmetalblade
743. 2011-10-24Charred Walls Of The DamnedAshes Falling Upon UsCold Winds On Timeless Daysmetalblade
744. 2011-10-24DemonicalRavenousDeath Infernalmetalblade
745. 2011-10-24As I Lay DyingWar EnsambleDecasmetalblade
746. 2011-10-24BattlecrossRupturePursuit Of Honormetalblade
747. 2011-10-24As You DrownYour Loyal BetrayerRat Kingmetalblade
748. 2011-10-24GwarKZ - NecromancerBloody Pit Of Horrormetalblade
749. 2011-10-17DemonicalBlack InfernoDeath Infernalmetalblade
750. 2011-10-17As I DrownRabid Wolves In Sheep's ClothingRat Kingmetalblade
751. 2011-10-17Glorior BelliThey Call Me Black DevilThe Great Southern Darknessmetalblade
752. 2011-10-17God DethronedUnder a Silver MoonThe Grand Grimoiremetalblade
753. 2011-10-10AnteriorBy Horror HauntedEchoes Of The Fallenmetalblade
754. 2011-10-10BattlecrossDeceptionPursuit Of Honormetalblade
755. 2011-10-10Amon AmarthNorth Sea StormAvengermetalblade
756. 2011-10-03BattlecrossDeceptionPursuit Of Honormetalblade
757. 2011-10-03Charred Walls Of The DamnedGuiding MeCold Winds On Timeless Daysmetalblade
758. 2011-09-26Job For a CowboyMisery ReformatoryGloommetalblade
759. 2011-09-26Rose FuneralMalignant AmourGates of Punishmentmetalblade
760. 2011-09-19AnteriorTyrannyEchoes Of The Fallenmetalblade
761. 2011-09-19Rose FuneralGrotesque IndulgenceGates of Punishmentmetalblade
762. 2011-09-12CandlemassThe Bell Of ArcheronAncient Dreamsmetalblade
763. 2011-09-12GhostCon Clavi Con DioOpus Eponymousmetalblade
764. 2011-09-12Cannibal CorpseDeath Walking TerrorKILLmetalblade
765. 2011-09-12VikingWarlordVarious Artists - Best of Metal Blade IIImetalblade
766. 2011-09-05VaderEpitaphRevelationsmetalblade
767. 2011-09-05The Red DeathTwilight Of The IdolsEternal Frames of Referencemetalblade
768. 2011-09-05As I Lay Dying94 HoursFrail Words Collapsemetalblade
769. 2011-08-29SacrificeThe EntityForward to Terminationmetalblade
770. 2011-08-29Cryptic SlaughterCo-ExistSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
771. 2011-08-22ApiaryDescentLost In Focusmetalblade
772. 2011-08-22Fragments Of UnbecomingEntangled Whispers In The DepthSkywards I A Sylphe's Ascensionmetalblade
773. 2011-08-15The CrownThe Devil And The DarknessHell is Heremetalblade
774. 2011-08-15In SolitudePoisoned, Blessed, And BurnedThe World The Flesh The Devilmetalblade
775. 2011-08-08Cannibal CorpseHeadlessGallery Of Suicidemetalblade
776. 2011-08-08Barn BurnerKeg Stand And DeliverBangers II Scum Of The Earthmetalblade
777. 2011-08-08Amon AmarthWar Of The GodsSurtur Risingmetalblade
778. 2011-08-01Job For a CowboySignature Of Starving PowerGloommetalblade
779. 2011-08-01Cattle DecapitationBukkake TsunamiHumanuremetalblade
780. 2011-08-01Mercyful FateThe Grave9metalblade
781. 2011-07-25HadesActive ContritionSavior Selfmetalblade
782. 2011-07-25GorerottedZombie Graveyard Rape BonanzaOnly Tools and Corpsesmetalblade
783. 2011-07-25Amon AmarthSlaves Of FearSurtur Risingmetalblade
784. 2011-07-25The Black Dahlia MurderConspiring With The DeadRitualmetalblade
785. 2011-07-25VehemenceI Didn't Kill HerGod was Createdmetalblade
786. 2011-07-25VomitoryHate In A Time Of WarOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
787. 2011-07-25Bolt ThrowerEntrenchedThose Once Loyalmetalblade
788. 2011-07-18Haunted GarageWelcome To HellPossession Parkmetalblade
789. 2011-07-11UnearthArise The War CryDarkness In The Lightmetalblade
790. 2011-07-11MortificationVisited By An AngelTriumph Of Miserymetalblade
791. 2011-07-11IntensusThe IntenseIntensusmetalblade
792. 2011-07-04BehemothWishAbyssum Invocation CD1metalblade
793. 2011-07-04In SolitudeTo Her DarknessThe World The Flesh The Devilmetalblade
794. 2011-06-27BelieverEnd Of InfinityTranshumanmetalblade
795. 2011-06-27Manowarthe PowerLouder than Hellmetalblade
796. 2011-06-27PortraitThe NightcomersCrimen Laesae Majestatis Divinaemetalblade
797. 2011-06-27BehemothConjuration Ov Sleep DaemonsAbyssum Invocation CD1metalblade
798. 2011-06-27VehemenceKill Fog GodHelping the World to Seemetalblade
799. 2011-06-27Job For a CowboyMisery ReformatoryGloommetalblade
800. 2011-06-27NeaeraLet The Tempest ComeLet The Tempest Comemetalblade
801. 2011-06-27IpsissimusThe Alchemist's GoatthroneThe Way Of Descentmetalblade
802. 2011-06-27IntensusAnomaly Detected: Supernova Remnant N63AIntensusmetalblade
803. 2011-06-20Amon AmarthDestroyer Of The UniverseSurtur Risingmetalblade
804. 2011-06-20Job For a CowboyExecution ParadeGloommetalblade
805. 2011-06-20IntensusNew York, Yeah ScrantonIntensusmetalblade
806. 2011-06-20FalconerGriftefridArmodmetalblade
807. 2011-06-20EpidemicHateDecameronmetalblade
808. 2011-06-20PortraitThe NightcomersCrimen Laesae Majestatis Divinaemetalblade
809. 2011-06-13Cirith UngolDoomed PlanetOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
810. 2011-06-13WhitechapelMurder SermonA New Era Of Corruptionmetalblade
811. 2011-06-06VoivodWarriors Of IceWar and Painmetalblade
812. 2011-06-06SlayerEvil Has no BoundariesShow No Mercymetalblade
813. 2011-06-06VomitoryShrouded In DarknessOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
814. 2011-06-06Barn BurnerDark Side Of The BarnBangers II Scum Of The Earthmetalblade
815. 2011-06-06Ipsissimusthe First Secret of FatimaThe Way Of Descentmetalblade
816. 2011-06-06SacrificePawn Of ProphecySoldiers Of Misfortunemetalblade
817. 2011-05-30VoivodNuclear WarWar and Painmetalblade
818. 2011-05-30Molotov SolutionRuled By SerceryThe Harbingermetalblade
819. 2011-05-30Cirith UngolWar EternalOne Foot In Hellmetalblade
820. 2011-05-23WhitechapelTo All That Are DeadThis is Exilemetalblade
821. 2011-05-23Job for a CowboyEntombment Of A MachineDoommetalblade
822. 2011-05-23PortraitBloodbathCrimen Laesae Majestatis Divinaemetalblade
823. 2011-05-23VomitoryThey Will BurnOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
824. 2011-05-23GhostRitualOpus Eponymousmetalblade
825. 2011-05-16Electric WizardPatterns Of EvilBlack Massesmetalblade
826. 2011-05-16VomitoryForever DeamnedOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
827. 2011-05-16IpsissimusThe Alchemist's GoatthroneThe Way Of Descentmetalblade
828. 2011-05-16In SolitudeSerpents Are RisingThe World The Flesh The Devilmetalblade
829. 2011-05-16PentagramWindmills And ChimesLast Ritesmetalblade
830. 2011-05-09SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
831. 2011-05-09VomitoryThey Will BurnOpus Morits VIIImetalblade
832. 2011-05-09PentagramAmerican DreamLast Ritesmetalblade
833. 2011-05-09BelieverMultiverseTranshumanmetalblade
834. 2011-05-09Amon AmarthLive Without RegretsSurtur Risingmetalblade
835. 2011-05-02Amon AmarthFor Victory Or DeathSurtur Risingmetalblade
836. 2011-04-25TroubleThe TempterVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade vol 1metalblade
837. 2011-04-25VikingThey Raped The LandMan Of Strawmetalblade
838. 2011-04-25OmenDie By The BladeBattle Crymetalblade
839. 2011-04-25JuggernautSlow DeathVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blade vol 2metalblade
840. 2011-04-18Amon AmarthWar Of The GodsSurtur Risingmetalblade
841. 2011-04-18Cannibal CorpseSanded FacelessGore Obsessedmetalblade
842. 2011-04-18CauldronYoung & HungryChained To The Nitemetalblade
843. 2011-04-11Amon AmarthSulfer RisingSurtur Risingmetalblade
844. 2011-04-04HelstarTyrranicideRising From The Gravemetalblade
845. 2011-04-04Between the Buried and MeSpecular ReflectionThe Parallaxmetalblade
846. 2011-03-21NeaeraBroken SpineThe Rising Tide of Oblivionmetalblade
847. 2011-03-21Electric WizardBlack MassBlack Massesmetalblade
848. 2011-03-14Sky ForgerBewitched ForestKurbadsmetalblade
849. 2011-03-14Full Blown ChaosDie Like You LiveFull Blown Chaosmetalblade
850. 2011-03-14Electric WizardTurn Off Your MindBlack Massesmetalblade
851. 2011-03-07SacrificeAfterlifeForward to Terminationmetalblade
852. 2011-03-07EpidemicVision DevineDecameronmetalblade
853. 2011-02-28Bolt ThrowerThose Once LoyalThose Once Loyalmetalblade
854. 2011-02-28Hail of BulletsFull Scale WarOn Divine Windsmetalblade
855. 2011-02-28Electric WizardPatterns Of EvilBlack Massesmetalblade
856. 2011-02-28VikingWhite DeathMan Of Strawmetalblade
857. 2011-02-28Darkest EraThe MorriganThe Last Caress Of Lightmetalblade
858. 2011-02-21Cryptic SlaughterStill Born, AgainSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
859. 2011-02-21Lazarus ADthe Strong PrevailBlack Rivers Flowmetalblade
860. 2011-02-21Sound BarrierWhat Price Glory?The Speed Of Lightmetalblade
861. 2011-02-14Lazarus ADBlack Rivers FlowBlack Rivers Flowmetalblade
862. 2011-02-14Full Blown ChaosThe Walking DeadFull Blown Chaosmetalblade
863. 2011-02-14System DivideAn Intoxicating AffairThe Conscious Sedationmetalblade
864. 2011-02-14Darkest EraAn Ancient Fire BurnsThe Last Caress Of Lightmetalblade
865. 2011-02-14PandemoniumMadness AscendingThe Killmetalblade
866. 2011-02-14Cannibal CorpseForce Fed Broken GlassThe Bleedingmetalblade
867. 2011-01-31Cannibal CorpseBeyond The CemeteryTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
868. 2011-01-31Sky ForgerSon Of The MareKurbadsmetalblade
869. 2011-01-31SacrificeForever EnslavedForward to Terminationmetalblade
870. 2011-01-31NeaeraExaltationForging The Eclipsemetalblade
871. 2011-01-31Hail of BulletsFull Scale WarOn Divine Windsmetalblade
872. 2011-01-24GhostStand By HimOpus Eponymousmetalblade
873. 2011-01-17Hammers Of MisfortuneRats AssemblyFields Church Of Broken Glassmetalblade
874. 2011-01-17Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
875. 2011-01-10The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
876. 2011-01-10EvocationPsychosis WarfareApocalypticmetalblade
877. 2011-01-10Bolt ThrowerEntrenchedThose Once Loyalmetalblade
878. 2011-01-10NegligenceAddicted To AggressionCoordinates Of Confusionmetalblade
879. 2011-01-10Hail of BulletsOn Coral ShoresOn Divine Windsmetalblade
880. 2011-01-10EnslavedThe Man From HordalandVarious Artist - Blackened: the Black Metal Compilation IIImetalblade
881. 2011-01-03ImmolationFailures for GodsFailures For Godsmetalblade
882. 2011-01-03Fatal EmbraceRapture For DisasterThe Empires Of Inhumanitymetalblade
883. 2011-01-03GhostCon Clavi Con DioOpus Eponymousmetalblade
884. 2011-01-03Dawn Of AshesNyarlathotep's Children Of The VoidGenocide Chaptersmetalblade
885. 2010-12-27Amon AmarthThe Dragons' Flight Across The WavesOnce Sent from the Golden Hallmetalblade
886. 2010-12-27Job for a CowboyEntombment Of A MachineDoommetalblade
887. 2010-12-27Cannibal CorpseShe Was Asking For ItThe Bleedingmetalblade
888. 2010-12-20MortificationGod RulzHammer Of Godmetalblade
889. 2010-12-20The Red ChordBlack SantaClientsmetalblade
890. 2010-12-20NeaeraRubikonForging The Eclipsemetalblade
891. 2010-12-20GwarA Gathering Of GhoulsBloody Pit Of Horrormetalblade
892. 2010-12-20GhostSatan PrayerOpus Eponymousmetalblade
893. 2010-12-13AttackerSlayer's BladeBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
894. 2010-12-13Electric WizardBlack MassBlack Massesmetalblade
895. 2010-12-13GhostRitualOpus Eponymousmetalblade
896. 2010-12-06Fates Warningthe CallingNight on Brockenmetalblade
897. 2010-12-06Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
898. 2010-11-29The AbsenceMaelstromEnemy Unboundmetalblade
899. 2010-11-29Hail of BulletsTokyo Napalm HolocaustOn Divine Windsmetalblade
900. 2010-11-22Hail of BulletsStrategy Of AttritionOn Divine Windsmetalblade
901. 2010-11-22NegligenceShark AttackCoordinates Of Confusionmetalblade
902. 2010-11-15Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
903. 2010-11-15EvocationParasitesApocalypticmetalblade
904. 2010-11-15FacebreakerBloodthirstMankind Under Siegemetalblade
905. 2010-11-15Hail of BulletsUnsung HeroesOn Divine Windsmetalblade
906. 2010-11-15Fragments Of UnbecomingSkywards I A Sylphe's AscensionSkywards I A Sylphe's Ascensionmetalblade
907. 2010-11-15Dies IreaIncarnation Of EvilThe Sin Warmetalblade
908. 2010-11-15NegligenceSickenedCoordinates Of Confusionmetalblade
909. 2010-11-15The Oceannecrobabies.comAeolianmetalblade
910. 2010-11-08EvocationWe Are Unified InsaneApocalypticmetalblade
911. 2010-11-08NegligenceDisharmonyCoordinates Of Confusionmetalblade
912. 2010-11-08FacebreakerInfectedMankind Under Siegemetalblade
913. 2010-11-08VaderRise Of The UndeadNecropolismetalblade
914. 2010-11-08Hail of BulletsFull Scale WarOn Divine Windsmetalblade
915. 2010-11-08Bolt ThrowerAt First LightThose Once Loyalmetalblade
916. 2010-11-01Hail of BulletsOperation ZOn Divine Windsmetalblade
917. 2010-11-01NeaeraIn DefianceForging The Eclipsemetalblade
918. 2010-11-01The OceanShe Was the UniverseAnthropocentricmetalblade
919. 2010-11-01WitchsorrowGommorahWitchsorrowmetalblade
920. 2010-10-25FleshcrawlSource Of The Bleeding HauntedMade Of Fleshmetalblade
921. 2010-10-25OmenRadar loveEscape To Nowheremetalblade
922. 2010-10-18The AbsenceThe BridgeEnemy Unboundmetalblade
923. 2010-10-11The AbsenceEraserEnemy Unboundmetalblade
924. 2010-10-11Return To EarthEdge Of ForeverAutomatametalblade
925. 2010-10-11NightfallAstron BlackAstron Black And The Thirty Tyrantsmetalblade
926. 2010-10-04The AbsenceMaelstromEnemy Unboundmetalblade
927. 2010-10-04HelstarSwirling MadnessRising From The Grave (disc 2)metalblade
928. 2010-10-04Grand MagusFood Of The GodsMonumentmetalblade
929. 2010-10-04OmenKing Of The HillEscape To Nowheremetalblade
930. 2010-09-27FleshcrawlBreeding the DeadSoulskinnermetalblade
931. 2010-09-27HelstarWinds Of WarRising From The Gravemetalblade
932. 2010-09-27Grand MagusSummer SolsticeMonumentmetalblade
933. 2010-09-27The AbsenceHidden In WhiteEnemy Unboundmetalblade
934. 2010-09-27FleshwroughtWeeping HallucinationsDementia Dyslexiametalblade
935. 2010-09-27Liege LordBlack Lit KnightsBurn To My Touchmetalblade
936. 2010-09-27King Of AsgardBrethern Of The NorthFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
937. 2010-09-20Cannibal CorpseDead Human CollectionBloodthirstmetalblade
938. 2010-09-20SlayerHell AwaitsHell Awaitsmetalblade
939. 2010-09-20The AbsenceDeepest WoundEnemy Unboundmetalblade
940. 2010-09-20Brain DrillObliteration UntoldQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
941. 2010-09-20AllegaeonFrom Seed To ThroneFragments of Form and Functionmetalblade
942. 2010-09-20King Of AsgardHeroes BrigadeFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
943. 2010-09-13VehemenceSpirit Of The SoldierHelping the World to Seemetalblade
944. 2010-09-13Amon AmarthMasters of WarThe Crushermetalblade
945. 2010-09-13Lord BelialDivide et ImperaUnholy Crusademetalblade
946. 2010-09-13The AbsenceEnemy UnboundEnemy Unboundmetalblade
947. 2010-09-06King Of AsgardBrethern Of The NorthFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
948. 2010-09-06Amon AmarthWith Oden on Our SideWith Oden on Our Sidemetalblade
949. 2010-09-06Brain DrillBeyond BludgeonedQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
950. 2010-09-06Cannibal CorpseHammer Smashed FaceTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
951. 2010-09-06FleshwroughtSelf-Destructive LoathingDementia Dyslexiametalblade
952. 2010-08-30FleshwroughtWeeping HallucinationsDementia Dyslexiametalblade
953. 2010-08-30King Of AsgardNever Will You Know Of Flesh AgainFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
954. 2010-08-30King DiamondSleepless NightsConspiracymetalblade
955. 2010-08-30MossSkeletal KeysTombs of the Blind Druggedmetalblade
956. 2010-08-23King DiamondDreamsThe Spider's Lullabye (reissue)metalblade
957. 2010-08-23Diabulus In MusicaLies In Your EyesSecretsmetalblade
958. 2010-08-23AllegaeonPoint Of DisfigurementFragments of Form and Functionmetalblade
959. 2010-08-23FleshwroughtProgramming The HerdDementia Dyslexiametalblade
960. 2010-08-16FleshwroughtMental IllnessDementia Dyslexiametalblade
961. 2010-08-16King Of AsgardWrath Of The GodsFi'mbulvintrmetalblade
962. 2010-08-16Callenish CirclePull the Plug (Death Cover)Flesh Power Dominionmetalblade
963. 2010-08-16Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
964. 2010-08-16Amon AmarthAvengerAvengermetalblade
965. 2010-08-16King DiamondThe Spider's LullabyeThe Spider's Lullabye (reissue)metalblade
966. 2010-08-09IstappI Vatan Pa Den Asoluta NollpunktenBlekingemetalblade
967. 2010-08-09Brain DrillMonumental FailureQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
968. 2010-08-09Sky ForgerSon Of The MareKurbadsmetalblade
969. 2010-08-09Beyond The EmbraceAgainst the ElementsAgainst the Elementsmetalblade
970. 2010-08-09Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
971. 2010-08-02Early GravesMay DayGonermetalblade
972. 2010-08-02ApiaryFinding A Way BackLost In Focusmetalblade
973. 2010-08-02Woe of TyrantsSounding JerusalemKingdom of Mightmetalblade
974. 2010-08-02AmsvartnerUnderneath The Thousand Years GateThe TRollish Mirrormetalblade
975. 2010-08-02Lightning Swords Of DeathDamnation PentastrikeThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
976. 2010-07-26Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
977. 2010-07-26OverkillDeath RiderVarious Artists - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
978. 2010-07-26IstappKoldens UnionvBlekingemetalblade
979. 2010-07-26Fatal EmbraceThe ProphecyThe Empires Of Inhumanitymetalblade
980. 2010-07-26Nasty SavageXXXIndulgencemetalblade
981. 2010-07-26ImpiousDead AwakeningDeath Dominationmetalblade
982. 2010-07-19Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
983. 2010-07-12Woe of TyrantsTempting The WretchedThrenodymetalblade
984. 2010-07-12Charred Walls Of The DamnedCreating Our MachineCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
985. 2010-07-12AeonKill Em AllPath Of Firemetalblade
986. 2010-07-12Brain DrillObliteration UntoldQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
987. 2010-07-12WhitechapelUnnervingA New Era Of Corruptionmetalblade
988. 2010-07-12Lightning Swords Of DeathZwartgalligThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
989. 2010-07-12Early GravesMay DayGonermetalblade
990. 2010-07-12Fatal EmbraceHaunting MetalThe Empires Of Inhumanitymetalblade
991. 2010-07-12Sky ForgerBewitched ForestKurbadsmetalblade
992. 2010-07-12UnearthSancity Of BrothersIII: In The Eyes Of firemetalblade
993. 2010-07-12RavenAgainst The GrainWalk Through Firemetalblade
994. 2010-07-12OmenDeath RiderVarious Artist - The Best Of Metal Blademetalblade
995. 2010-07-12AbattoirScreams From The GraveVarious Artist: Metal Massacre IVmetalblade
996. 2010-07-05Woe of TyrantsBloodsmearThrenodymetalblade
997. 2010-07-05RavenTrainwreckWalk Through Firemetalblade
998. 2010-07-05Early GravesMay DayGonermetalblade
999. 2010-07-05Since the Floodi am revengeNo Compromisemetalblade
1000. 2010-07-05Fates WarningThe EleventhParallels (reissue)metalblade
1001. 2010-06-28AllegaeonThe God ParticleFragments of Form and Functionmetalblade
1002. 2010-06-28Fatal EmbraceWake The DeadThe Empires Of Inhumanitymetalblade
1003. 2010-06-28Charred Walls Of The DamnedBlood On WoodCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1004. 2010-06-28Early GravesHarmGonermetalblade
1005. 2010-06-28Brain DrillAwaiting Imminent DestructionQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1006. 2010-06-28WhitechapelDevolverA New Era Of Corruptionmetalblade
1007. 2010-06-28AeonSuffer The SoulPath Of Firemetalblade
1008. 2010-06-28IstappI Vatan Pa Den Asoluta NollpunktenBlekingemetalblade
1009. 2010-06-28Sky ForgerThe Stone SentinelKurbadsmetalblade
1010. 2010-06-28Lightning Swords Of DeathInvoke The Desolate OneThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
1011. 2010-06-21ImmolationFather, You're Not A FatherClose To A World Belowmetalblade
1012. 2010-06-21Early GravesWraithsGonermetalblade
1013. 2010-06-21IstappVinterriketBlekingemetalblade
1014. 2010-06-21Brain DrillEntity Of ExtinctionQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1015. 2010-06-21AeonAbomination Of GodPath Of Firemetalblade
1016. 2010-06-21Lightning Swords Of DeathNihilistic StenchThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
1017. 2010-06-21RavenBulldozerWalk Through Firemetalblade
1018. 2010-06-21Agony ColumnLord AlmightyBrave Words and Bloody Knucklesmetalblade
1019. 2010-06-21SacrificeFlames Of ArmageddonForward to Terminationmetalblade
1020. 2010-06-14Cannibal CorpseHammer Smashed FaceTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1021. 2010-06-14AeonKill Em AllPath Of Firemetalblade
1022. 2010-06-14RavenWalk Through FireWalk Through Firemetalblade
1023. 2010-06-14Fates WarningLeave The Past BehindParallels (reissue)metalblade
1024. 2010-06-14Woe of TyrantsCreatures Of The MireThrenodymetalblade
1025. 2010-06-14Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1026. 2010-06-14Brain DrillMonumental FailureQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1027. 2010-06-14Sky ForgerIn The UnderworldKurbadsmetalblade
1028. 2010-06-14Lightning Swords Of DeathDamnation PentastrikeThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
1029. 2010-06-07SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
1030. 2010-06-07VoivodLive For ViolenceWar and Painmetalblade
1031. 2010-06-07Steel AssassinThe ExecutionerVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VImetalblade
1032. 2010-06-07Brain DrillMercy To NoneQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1033. 2010-06-07Lightning Swords Of DeathVenter Of The Black BeastThe Extra Demensional Woundmetalblade
1034. 2010-06-07OmenDragon's BreathBattle Crymetalblade
1035. 2010-06-07Sky ForgerBewitched ForestKurbadsmetalblade
1036. 2010-05-31VehemenceSpirit Of The SoldierHelping the World to Seemetalblade
1037. 2010-05-31The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1038. 2010-05-24Brain DrillBeyond BludgeonedQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1039. 2010-05-24Job for a CowboyEntombment Of A MachineDoommetalblade
1040. 2010-05-24Cattle DecapitationI Eat Your SkinTo Serve Manmetalblade
1041. 2010-05-24SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
1042. 2010-05-24The CrownRebel AngelDeathrace Kingmetalblade
1043. 2010-05-24SanctusNovemberAeon Skymetalblade
1044. 2010-05-17Bison BCFear CaveDark Agesmetalblade
1045. 2010-05-17Brain DrillNemesis Of NeglectQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1046. 2010-05-10Woe of TyrantsVenom EyeThrenodymetalblade
1047. 2010-05-10As I Lay DyingParallelsThe Powerless Risemetalblade
1048. 2010-05-10Sky ForgerThe Nine-HeadedKurbadsmetalblade
1049. 2010-05-10Brain DrillMercy To NoneQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1050. 2010-05-10SacrificeCyannideForward to Terminationmetalblade
1051. 2010-05-03Woe of TyrantsTempting The WretchedThrenodymetalblade
1052. 2010-05-03Brain DrillNemesis Of NeglectQuantum Catastrophemetalblade
1053. 2010-05-03Arma Gathasthe Rise And FallDead To This Worldmetalblade
1054. 2010-05-03Bison BCTwo-Day BoozeDark Agesmetalblade
1055. 2010-05-03PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1056. 2010-05-03the OceanPtolemy Was WrongHeliocentricmetalblade
1057. 2010-05-03God DethronedInto the Lungs Of HellInto the Lungs Of Hellmetalblade
1058. 2010-04-26Charred Walls Of The DamnedFrom The AbyssCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1059. 2010-04-26Armored SaintLeft Hook From Right FieldLa Razametalblade
1060. 2010-04-26The OceanCatharsis Of A HereticHeliocentricmetalblade
1061. 2010-04-19AnimaThe Man EaterEnter The Killzonemetalblade
1062. 2010-04-19SodomOutbreak Of Evilin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
1063. 2010-04-19The OceanSwallows By The EarthHeliocentricmetalblade
1064. 2010-04-12Cannibal Corpsethe Cryptic StenchTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1065. 2010-04-12Job for a CowboyConstitutional MasturbationRuinationmetalblade
1066. 2010-04-12Armored SaintLoose CanonLa Razametalblade
1067. 2010-04-05Barn BurnerBrohemothBangersmetalblade
1068. 2010-04-05Amon AmarthValhall Awaits MeWith Oden on Our Sidemetalblade
1069. 2010-04-05AnimaCarnage ProvokedEnter The Killzonemetalblade
1070. 2010-04-05Charred Walls Of The DamnedIn A World So ColdCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1071. 2010-03-29the Black Dahlia Murderthe Blackest IncantationUnhallowedmetalblade
1072. 2010-03-29Charred Walls Of The DamnedThe Darkest EyesCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1073. 2010-03-29Hail of BulletsRed Wolves of Stalin (live)Warsaw Risingmetalblade
1074. 2010-03-22Lizzy BordenNotoriousVarious Artist: Best of Metal Blade 2metalblade
1075. 2010-03-22SlayerEvil Has no BoundariesShow No Mercymetalblade
1076. 2010-03-22Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1077. 2010-03-15Six Feet UnderSnap Your Fingers, Snap Your NeckGraveyard Classics 3metalblade
1078. 2010-03-15AnimaWelcomes To Our KillzoneEnter The Killzonemetalblade
1079. 2010-03-15Armored SaintGet Off The FenceLa Razametalblade
1080. 2010-03-15Cannibal CorpseCovered with SoresButchered At Birthmetalblade
1081. 2010-03-08AeternamThe Corronation Of SethDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
1082. 2010-03-01Cannibal CorpsePriests of SodomEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1083. 2010-03-01Barn BurnerLong Arm of the LawBangersmetalblade
1084. 2010-03-01AeternamHamunptraDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
1085. 2010-03-01Lazarus ADDamnation for the WeakThe Onslaughtmetalblade
1086. 2010-03-01SodomProselytism RealObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
1087. 2010-02-22Manowarthe PowerHell On Stagemetalblade
1088. 2010-02-22Amon AmarthNorth Sea StormAvengermetalblade
1089. 2010-02-22Six Feet UnderA Dangerous MeetingGraveyard Classics 3metalblade
1090. 2010-02-22MiddianThe CelebrantAge Eternalmetalblade
1091. 2010-02-22AeternamOuroborosDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
1092. 2010-02-15ImpiousDead AwakeningDeath Dominationmetalblade
1093. 2010-02-15Job for a CowboySummon The HoundsRuinationmetalblade
1094. 2010-02-15Sons of AzraelArson and ApathyScouting The Boneyardmetalblade
1095. 2010-02-15ValkryjaWelcoming WormsContaminationmetalblade
1096. 2010-02-15AeternamIteruDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
1097. 2010-02-15TaramisPath To AquiloniaQueen Of Thievesmetalblade
1098. 2010-02-15Charred Walls Of The DamnedBlood On WoodCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1099. 2010-02-08ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1100. 2010-02-08Charred Walls Of The DamnedFrom The AbyssCharred Walls Of The Damnedmetalblade
1101. 2010-02-08AeternamAngel HornedDisciples Of The Unseenmetalblade
1102. 2010-02-08ValkryjaOcesns Of DustContaminationmetalblade
1103. 2010-02-01ImpiousThe DemandDeath Dominationmetalblade
1104. 2010-01-25Broken HopeEngored With ImpietyRepulsive Conceptionmetalblade
1105. 2010-01-25ImpiousHate Kill ProjectDeath Dominationmetalblade
1106. 2010-01-25Sons Of AzraelThe Grand DesignScouting The Boneyardmetalblade
1107. 2010-01-18The CrownDeath Metal HolocaustCrowned in Terrormetalblade
1108. 2010-01-18the Black Dahlia MurderHymn For The WretchedUnhallowedmetalblade
1109. 2010-01-18Sons Of AzraelArson and ApathyScouting The Boneyardmetalblade
1110. 2010-01-18Barn BurnerHoly SmokesBangersmetalblade
1111. 2010-01-18CandlemassAt The Gallows EndNightfallmetalblade
1112. 2010-01-18The OceanComfort ZonesFluxionmetalblade
1113. 2010-01-11OmenTorture MeVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
1114. 2010-01-11Six Feet UnderTNTGraveyard Classicsmetalblade
1115. 2010-01-11the DestroPestilence Of DeceitHarmony Of Discordmetalblade
1116. 2010-01-11ImpiousI Am The KingDeath Dominationmetalblade
1117. 2010-01-11AmsvartnerBehind The 100 Years GateVarious Artist: Blackened: The Blackmetal Compilation IIImetalblade
1118. 2009-12-28DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1119. 2009-12-28AbattoirScreams From The GraveVarious Artist: Metal Massacre IVmetalblade
1120. 2009-12-28Cryptic SlaughterStill Born, AgainSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
1121. 2009-12-28Cattle Decapitationof Human Pride and FlatulenceKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
1122. 2009-12-21RavageFreedom FightersThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1123. 2009-12-21Celtic FrostVisions of MortalityMorbid Talesmetalblade
1124. 2009-12-21AnacrusisNot ForgottenReasonmetalblade
1125. 2009-12-21God DethronedUnder a Silver MoonThe Grand Grimoiremetalblade
1126. 2009-12-14The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1127. 2009-12-14Austrian Death MachineDon't Cross Your EnemiesDouble Brutalmetalblade
1128. 2009-12-14the Black Dahlia MurderNecropolisDefloratemetalblade
1129. 2009-12-07Flesh CrawlMade Of FleshMade Of Fleshmetalblade
1130. 2009-12-07Armed For The ApocalypseFists of GodDefeatmetalblade
1131. 2009-12-07MaleficeAs I BleedDawn of Reprisalmetalblade
1132. 2009-12-07Cannibal CorpseUnder The Rotting FleshButchered At Birthmetalblade
1133. 2009-12-07The Gates of SlumberBeneath The eyes Of MarsHymms Of Blood And Thundermetalblade
1134. 2009-11-30the Black Dahlia MurderChrist DeformedDefloratemetalblade
1135. 2009-11-30the DestroJustifiers Of MaliceHarmony Of Discordmetalblade
1136. 2009-11-30The Red ChordTales Of Martyrs And Disappearing ActsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
1137. 2009-11-30King DiamondMeet Me At MidnightThe Graveyard (reissue)metalblade
1138. 2009-11-23King DiamondThe Spider's LullabyeThe Spider's Lullabye (reissue)metalblade
1139. 2009-11-23Lord BelialWar of HateUnholy Crusademetalblade
1140. 2009-11-23The Red ChordDemoralizerFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
1141. 2009-11-23Armed For The ApocalypseA FailureDefeatmetalblade
1142. 2009-11-16RavageThe ShredderThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1143. 2009-11-16The Red ChordHymns and Crippled AnthemsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
1144. 2009-11-09VaderBlastNecropolismetalblade
1145. 2009-11-09Hail of BulletsDestroyerWarsaw Risingmetalblade
1146. 2009-11-09King DiamondSix Feet UnderThe Spider's Lullabye (reissue)metalblade
1147. 2009-11-09The Red ChordEmbarrassment LegacyFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
1148. 2009-11-09RavageNight CrawlerThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1149. 2009-11-02SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firemetalblade
1150. 2009-11-02CandlemassAncient DreamsAncient Dreamsmetalblade
1151. 2009-11-02Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1152. 2009-11-02SlayerTormentorShow No Mercymetalblade
1153. 2009-11-02Steel AssassinThe ExecutionerVarious Artists - Metal Massacre VImetalblade
1154. 2009-10-19The Red ChordHour Of RatsFed Through the Teeth Machinemetalblade
1155. 2009-10-19the DestroPestilence Of DeceitHarmony Of Discordmetalblade
1156. 2009-10-19Evergreen TerraceSending SignalsHome Againmetalblade
1157. 2009-10-193Rabid AnimalsRevisionsmetalblade
1158. 2009-10-12SlayerHardening Of the ArteriesHell Awaitsmetalblade
1159. 2009-10-12the Black Dahlia MurderThrone of LunacyDefloratemetalblade
1160. 2009-10-12RavageIn Shattered DreamsThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1161. 2009-10-12Armed For The ApocalypseTorch Light Search For The DeadDefeatmetalblade
1162. 2009-10-05RavageThe ShredderThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1163. 2009-10-05PrimordialThe Burning SeasonA Journey's Endmetalblade
1164. 2009-10-05Austrian Death MachineHey Cookie Monster, Nothing is As BrutalDouble Brutalmetalblade
1165. 2009-10-05the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has EmptiedUnhallowedmetalblade
1166. 2009-10-05Sacred ReichBreak ThroughHealmetalblade
1167. 2009-10-05The Gates of SlumberDeath DealerHymms Of Blood And Thundermetalblade
1168. 2009-10-05Armed For The ApocalypseThe Demon Who Makes Trophies Of MenDefeatmetalblade
1169. 2009-10-05Into the MoatFrom 1000 Meters...The Campaignmetalblade
1170. 2009-09-28The Gates of SlumberBeneath The eyes Of MarsHymms Of Blood And Thundermetalblade
1171. 2009-09-28Armed For The ApocalypseFists of GodDefeatmetalblade
1172. 2009-09-28Austrian Death MachineSee You At The Party RichardDouble Brutalmetalblade
1173. 2009-09-21RavageFreedom FightersThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1174. 2009-09-21the Black Dahlia MurderChrist DeformedDefloratemetalblade
1175. 2009-09-14the Black Dahlia MurderDenounced, DisgracedDefloratemetalblade
1176. 2009-09-14Job for a CowboyPsycological ImmoralityRuinationmetalblade
1177. 2009-09-14RavageDamn NationThe End of Tomorrowmetalblade
1178. 2009-09-14Broken HopeErotic ZoophilismRepulsive Conceptionmetalblade
1179. 2009-09-07Cattle DecapitationWe Are Terrible PeopleThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1180. 2009-09-07the Black Dahlia MurderNecropolisDefloratemetalblade
1181. 2009-09-07Sacred ReichSurf NicaraguaSurf Nicaraguametalblade
1182. 2009-09-07BehemothDaimonosEvangelionmetalblade
1183. 2009-09-07the OceanDead On The WholeFluxionmetalblade
1184. 2009-08-31BehemothOv Fire and The VoidEvangelionmetalblade
1185. 2009-08-31Hail of BulletsDestroyerWarsaw Risingmetalblade
1186. 2009-08-31Bolt Thrower7th offensiveHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
1187. 2009-08-31the OceanEquinoxFluxionmetalblade
1188. 2009-08-31Job for a CowboyButcher the EnlightenedRuinationmetalblade
1189. 2009-08-24Cattle DecapitationHumanureHumanuremetalblade
1190. 2009-08-24The Red ChordHe Was Dead When I Got ThereClientsmetalblade
1191. 2009-08-24Job for a CowboyUnfurling a Darkened GospelRuinationmetalblade
1192. 2009-08-24Church of MiseryShotgun Boogie (James Oliver Huberty)Houses Of The Unholymetalblade
1193. 2009-08-24LitmusStarsAurorametalblade
1194. 2009-08-24the OceanNazcuFluxionmetalblade
1195. 2009-08-24Hail of BulletsRed Wolves of Stalin (live)Warsaw Risingmetalblade
1196. 2009-08-24Behemoththe Seeds Ov IEvangelionmetalblade
1197. 2009-08-24Cannibal CorpseGuttedButchered At Birthmetalblade
1198. 2009-08-24SlayerPraise of DeathHell Awaitsmetalblade
1199. 2009-08-24Memory GardenThe Sum Of All FearVerdict of Posteritymetalblade
1200. 2009-08-17BehemothShemaforashEvangelionmetalblade
1201. 2009-08-17the OceanDead On The WholeFluxionmetalblade
1202. 2009-08-17Hail of BulletsWarsaw RisingWarsaw Risingmetalblade
1203. 2009-08-17Cattle Decapitationtotal gore?Karma Bloody Karmametalblade
1204. 2009-08-17Job for a CowboyLords of ChaosRuinationmetalblade
1205. 2009-08-10The OceanComfort ZonesFluxionmetalblade
1206. 2009-08-10Hail of BulletsDestroyerWarsaw Risingmetalblade
1207. 2009-08-10Job for a CowboyConstitutional MasturbationRuinationmetalblade
1208. 2009-08-10BehemothOv Fire and The VoidEvangelionmetalblade
1209. 2009-08-10MossTomb of the Blind DruggedTombs of the Blind Druggedmetalblade
1210. 2009-08-03GoatwhoreProvoking The Ritual of DeathCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
1211. 2009-08-03Job for a CowboyReduce to Mere FilthGenesismetalblade
1212. 2009-08-03NearaCaesuraOmnicide - Creation Unleashedmetalblade
1213. 2009-07-27TorchMercenaryFireraisermetalblade
1214. 2009-07-27SlayerDie By The SwordSouth of Heavenmetalblade
1215. 2009-07-27PrimordialThe Song of The TombThe Gathering Wildernessmetalblade
1216. 2009-07-13GoatwhoreThe All DestroyingCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
1217. 2009-07-13MaleficeHuman PortraitDawn of Reprisalmetalblade
1218. 2009-07-13SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firemetalblade
1219. 2009-07-13Cannibal CorpseForce Fed Broken GlassThe Bleedingmetalblade
1220. 2009-07-13Eryn Non DaeWhen Time ElapsesHydra Lernaiametalblade
1221. 2009-07-06GoatwhoreApocalytic HavocCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
1222. 2009-07-06The CrownDrugged UnholyCrowned in Terrormetalblade
1223. 2009-07-06FirebirdFool For YouGrand Unionmetalblade
1224. 2009-07-06Cannibal CorpseMeat Hook SodomyLive Cannibalismmetalblade
1225. 2009-07-06Trigger The BloodshedThe Dead WorldThe Great Depressionmetalblade
1226. 2009-07-06Eryn Non DaeThrough Darken SkiesHydra Lernaiametalblade
1227. 2009-06-29GoatwhoreProvoking The Ritual of DeathCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
1228. 2009-06-29Trigger The BloodshedThe Great DepressionThe Great Depressionmetalblade
1229. 2009-06-29NearaI LoatheOmnicide - Creation Unleashedmetalblade
1230. 2009-06-29Molotov SolutionOnly The DeadThe Harbingermetalblade
1231. 2009-06-29Starring Janet LeighThe MistressSpectrummetalblade
1232. 2009-06-29ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1233. 2009-06-22MaleficeEnd pf DaysDawn of Reprisalmetalblade
1234. 2009-06-22GoatwhoreCarving Out the Eyes of GodCarving Out the Eyes of Godmetalblade
1235. 2009-06-22Eryn Non DaeThrough Darken SkiesHydra Lernaiametalblade
1236. 2009-06-22Sons of AzraelTurn that Crown Upside Downthe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1237. 2009-06-15OvercastSeven ft. GrinReborn to Kill Againmetalblade
1238. 2009-06-08Cattle DecapitationA Body FarmThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1239. 2009-06-08God DethronedDrowning in MudPassiondalemetalblade
1240. 2009-06-01ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1241. 2009-06-01Job for a CowboyEmbeddedGenesismetalblade
1242. 2009-06-01Cattle DecapitationThe Product AliveThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1243. 2009-06-01Woe of TyrantsThe Seven Braids of SamsonKingdom of Mightmetalblade
1244. 2009-06-01This EndingInstigator of Dead FleshDead Harvestmetalblade
1245. 2009-06-01God DethronedUnder A Darkening SkyPassiondalemetalblade
1246. 2009-05-25Bolt Thrower7th OffensiveHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
1247. 2009-05-25Cattle DecapitationInto the Public BathsThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1248. 2009-05-25God DethronedPoison FogPassiondalemetalblade
1249. 2009-05-25This EndingMachineryDead Harvestmetalblade
1250. 2009-05-25PrimordialLet the Sun Set on Life ForeverImramametalblade
1251. 2009-05-25Woe of TyrantsPearls Before SwineKingdom of Mightmetalblade
1252. 2009-05-25PsyopusDuct Tapes SmileOdd Sensesmetalblade
1253. 2009-05-18the Red DeathBefore an Empty ThroneEternal Frames of Referencemetalblade
1254. 2009-05-18Cattle DecapitationThe Ripe Beneath the RindThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1255. 2009-05-18God DethronedUnder A Darkening SkyPassiondalemetalblade
1256. 2009-05-18PrimordialInfernal SummerImramametalblade
1257. 2009-05-18Cannibal CorpseTo DecomposeEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1258. 2009-05-18OvercastBleed Into OneReborn to Kill Againmetalblade
1259. 2009-05-18Lazarus ADDamnation for the WeakThe Onslaughtmetalblade
1260. 2009-05-18Razor of OccamHeat of BattleHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
1261. 2009-05-11Cannibal CorpseBeheading and BurningEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1262. 2009-05-11Bolt ThrowerHonorHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
1263. 2009-05-11Cattle DecapitationIn AxestasyThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1264. 2009-05-11OvercastReborn to Kill AgainReborn to Kill Againmetalblade
1265. 2009-05-11Woe of TyrantsPearls Before SwineKingdom of Mightmetalblade
1266. 2009-05-04OmenTorture MeVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
1267. 2009-05-04Amon AmarthValhall Awaits MeWith Oden on Our Sidemetalblade
1268. 2009-05-04Lazarus ADThou Shall Not FearThe Onslaughtmetalblade
1269. 2009-05-04Panic911Epidemicmetalblade
1270. 2009-05-04Fates WarningWe Only Say GoodbyeParallelsmetalblade
1271. 2009-04-27AnvilForged In FirePast and Present Livemetalblade
1272. 2009-04-27Attackerthe Wrath of NevermoreBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
1273. 2009-04-27ManowarViolence and BloodshedFighting the Worldmetalblade
1274. 2009-04-27SlayerLive UndeadSouth of Heavenmetalblade
1275. 2009-04-27SodomBlasphemerVarious Artist - Speed Metalmetalblade
1276. 2009-04-27Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1277. 2009-04-27SacrificeBeyond DeathTorment in Firemetalblade
1278. 2009-04-20Cannibal CorpsePriests of SodomEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1279. 2009-04-20SodomDeathlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
1280. 2009-04-20the DestroRivers BottomAs the Foil Unwindsmetalblade
1281. 2009-04-20God DethronedUnder a Silver MoonThe Grand Grimoiremetalblade
1282. 2009-04-13Cannibal CorpseScalding HailEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1283. 2009-04-13WhitechapelSomatically IncorrectThis is Exilemetalblade
1284. 2009-04-06Razor of OccamHeat of BattleHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
1285. 2009-04-06Cannibal CorpseEdible AutopsyEaten Back to Lifemetalblade
1286. 2009-04-06PsyopusThe Burning HaloOdd Sensesmetalblade
1287. 2009-04-06Into the MoatThe Siege of OrleansThe Campaignmetalblade
1288. 2009-03-30Razor of OccamDay of WrathHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
1289. 2009-03-30Cannibal CorpseEvisecation PlagueEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1290. 2009-03-30PsyopusX and YOdd Sensesmetalblade
1291. 2009-03-30Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1292. 2009-03-23Cannibal CorpseTo DecomposeEvisceration Plaguemetalblade
1293. 2009-03-23Razor of OccamAltar of CorruptionHomage to Martyrsmetalblade
1294. 2009-03-23PsyopusThe Burning HaloOdd Sensesmetalblade
1295. 2009-03-23Into the MoatFrom 1000 Meters...The Campaignmetalblade
1296. 2009-03-16HellhammerCrucifixionVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
1297. 2009-03-16TyrantListen to the PreacherVarious Artists - Best of Metal Blade Imetalblade
1298. 2009-03-16WarlordChildren of the DamnedVarious Artists - Best of Metal Blade Imetalblade
1299. 2009-03-16VikingWarlordVarious Artists - Best of Metal Blade IIImetalblade
1300. 2009-03-09Amon AmarthNorth Sea StormAvengermetalblade
1301. 2009-03-02the AbsenceHeaven AblazeFrom Your Gravemetalblade
1302. 2009-03-02Cannibal CorpseNecropedophileTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1303. 2009-03-02Cattle DecapitationA Body FarmThe Harvest Floormetalblade
1304. 2009-03-02AnacrusisNot ForgottenReasonmetalblade
1305. 2009-02-23Six Feet UnderSnakesTrue Carnagemetalblade
1306. 2009-02-23Cattle DecapitationTo Serve ManTo Serve Manmetalblade
1307. 2009-02-16UnitedKill Yourself for BusinessNOIQmetalblade
1308. 2009-02-09Bolt Thrower7th offensiveHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
1309. 2009-02-09Cannibal CorpseI Cum BloodTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1310. 2009-02-09Amon AmarthThe Beheading of a KingFate of Nornsmetalblade
1311. 2009-02-02NearaHibernating Reasonthe Rising Tide of Oblivionmetalblade
1312. 2009-01-26AeonGodlessRise to Dominatemetalblade
1313. 2009-01-26PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1314. 2009-01-26SlayerRaining BloodReign in Bloodmetalblade
1315. 2009-01-26Cannibal CorpseMummified in Barbed WireVilemetalblade
1316. 2009-01-19VoivodLive for ViolenceWar and Painmetalblade
1317. 2009-01-19SlayerPiece by PieceReign in Bloodmetalblade
1318. 2009-01-05Whitechapelto All That are DeadThis is Exilemetalblade
1319. 2009-01-05Sacred ReichThe American WayStill Ignorantmetalblade
1320. 2008-12-15OmenDragon's BreathNightmaresmetalblade
1321. 2008-12-15the Black Dahlia MurderWhen the last Grave has EmptiedUnhallowedmetalblade
1322. 2008-12-15Amon AmarthDown the Slopes of DeathVersus the Worldmetalblade
1323. 2008-12-15Bolt ThrowerSuspect HostileHonor Valour Pridemetalblade
1324. 2008-12-15PrimordialCast To The PyreStorm Before the Calmmetalblade
1325. 2008-12-08SodomWitching MetalIn the Sign of Evilmetalblade
1326. 2008-12-01VehemenceMade for Her JesusGod was Createdmetalblade
1327. 2008-12-01Austrian Death MachineJingle BellsA Very Brutal Christmasmetalblade
1328. 2008-12-01ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1329. 2008-12-01BehemothI'm not JesusEzkatonmetalblade
1330. 2008-11-24Amon AmarthGuardians of AsgaardTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1331. 2008-11-24WhitechapelEternal RefugeThis is Exilemetalblade
1332. 2008-11-24Cattle DecapitationTesticular ManslaughterTo Serve Manmetalblade
1333. 2008-11-24GorerottedHer Gash I Did SlashOnly Tools and Corpsesmetalblade
1334. 2008-11-24Austrian Death MachineHell Bent for LeatherA Very Brutal Christmasmetalblade
1335. 2008-11-17BehemothJeme PeketEzkatonmetalblade
1336. 2008-11-10PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1337. 2008-11-10Amon AmarthTwilight of the Thunder GodTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1338. 2008-11-03Amon AmarthVaryags of MiklagaardTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1339. 2008-11-03Six Feet UnderInvoluntary Movement of Dead FleshDeath Ritualsmetalblade
1340. 2008-11-03BehemothI'm not JesusEzkatonmetalblade
1341. 2008-10-20Cryptic SlaughterSpeak Your PieceSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
1342. 2008-10-20Amon Amarththe HeroTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1343. 2008-10-20GoatwhoreAlchemy of the Black Sun CultA Haunting Cursemetalblade
1344. 2008-10-20The CrownGive You HellHell is Heremetalblade
1345. 2008-10-20Cattle DecapitationLong-pig Chef and the Hairless GoatTo Serve Manmetalblade
1346. 2008-10-13Amon AmarthWhere is Your God?Twilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1347. 2008-10-13Cannibal CorpseI Cum BloodTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1348. 2008-10-06Amon AmarthFree Will SacrificeTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1349. 2008-10-06Cryptic SlaughterStill Born, AgainSpeak Your Peacemetalblade
1350. 2008-09-29WhitechapelEternal RefugeThis is Exilemetalblade
1351. 2008-09-29Amon AmarthTwilight of the Thunder GodTwilight of the Thunder Godmetalblade
1352. 2008-09-22WhitechapelExaltThis is Exilemetalblade
1353. 2008-09-01Job for a CowboyEmbeddedGenesismetalblade
1354. 2008-09-01Whitechapelto All That are DeadThis is Exilemetalblade
1355. 2008-09-01OmenBattle CryBattle Crymetalblade
1356. 2008-08-25SodomDeathlike SilenceObsessed By Crueltymetalblade
1357. 2008-08-25WhitechapelEternal RefugeThis is Exilemetalblade
1358. 2008-08-18Amon AmarthWith Oden on Our SideWith Oden on Our Sidemetalblade
1359. 2008-08-18WhitechapelDeath Becomes HimThis is Exilemetalblade
1360. 2008-08-11WhitechapelThis is ExileThis is Exilemetalblade
1361. 2008-08-11Job for a CowboyAltered from CatechizationGenesismetalblade
1362. 2008-08-04WhitechapelPossessionThis is Exilemetalblade
1363. 2008-08-04Job for a CowboyRelinquishedDoommetalblade
1364. 2008-07-28Whitechapelto All That are DeadThis is Exilemetalblade
1365. 2008-07-28Job for a Cowboyknee deepDoommetalblade
1366. 2008-07-21The Red ChordDread PrevailedPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1367. 2008-06-30Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1368. 2008-06-16SlayerTormentorShow No Mercymetalblade
1369. 2008-06-02VoivodNuclear WarWar and Painmetalblade
1370. 2008-05-26Lord BelialWar of HateUnholy Crusademetalblade
1371. 2008-05-26Celtic FrostProcreation of the WickedMorbid Talesmetalblade
1372. 2008-05-19the Black Dahlia MurderWhat a Horrible Night to Have a CurseNocturnalmetalblade
1373. 2008-05-05Bolt ThrowerBehind Enemy LinesMercenarymetalblade
1374. 2008-04-21SacrilegeFather Time (Beneath the Gaze)Turn Back Trilobitemetalblade
1375. 2008-04-21HellhammerCrucifixionVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
1376. 2008-04-21the Oceankilling the fliesAeolianmetalblade
1377. 2008-04-14HiraxThe GauntletRaging Violencemetalblade
1378. 2008-04-14Celtic FrostVisions of MortalityMorbid Talesmetalblade
1379. 2008-03-31ZoetropeSpeed ZoneMetal Massacre IVmetalblade
1380. 2008-03-31DissenterBlood Under HeavenMetal Massacre IXmetalblade
1381. 2008-03-31Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1382. 2008-03-24PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1383. 2008-03-24The Red ChordDreaming in Dog YearsFused Together in Revolving Doorsmetalblade
1384. 2008-03-17Amon AmarthVictorious MarchOnce Sent from the Golden Hallmetalblade
1385. 2008-03-17FalconerPurgatory TimeGrime vs. Grandeurmetalblade
1386. 2008-03-10Cannibal CorpseHammer Smash Face (single)Hammer Smash Face (single)metalblade
1387. 2008-03-03Lord BelialBleed on the CrossUnholy Crusademetalblade
1388. 2008-02-25The CrownCrowned in TerrorCrowned in Terrormetalblade
1389. 2008-02-25PsyopusImogen's Puzzle pt 2Our Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1390. 2008-02-18The Red ChordDreaming in Dog YearsFused Together in Revolving Doorsmetalblade
1391. 2008-02-11SlayerTormentorShow No Mercymetalblade
1392. 2008-02-11GorerottedVillage People of the DamnedOnly Tools and Corpsesmetalblade
1393. 2008-02-11Fates Warningthe CallingNight on Brockenmetalblade
1394. 2008-02-11SacrificeTurn in Your GraveTorment in Firemetalblade
1395. 2008-02-04As I Lay DyingForeverFrail Words Collapsemetalblade
1396. 2008-02-04EmperorDecrystallizing ReasonBlackend IV - Various Artistsmetalblade
1397. 2008-02-04Behemoththe Past is like a FuneralBlackend IV - Various Artistsmetalblade
1398. 2008-02-04DemiricousLanguage of OblivionTwo (poverty)metalblade
1399. 2008-01-28Celtic FrostSuicidal WindsEmperor's Returnmetalblade
1400. 2008-01-21DemiricousNever Enough RoadTwo (poverty)metalblade
1401. 2008-01-21Cattle Decapitationof Human Pride and FlatulenceKarma Bloody Karmametalblade
1402. 2008-01-21Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1403. 2008-01-21ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1404. 2008-01-14Vehemencekill for godHelping the World to Seemetalblade
1405. 2008-01-14The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1406. 2008-01-14DemiricousAcid LungTwo (poverty)metalblade
1407. 2008-01-07DemiricousLanguage of OblivionTwo (poverty)metalblade
1408. 2008-01-07ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1409. 2007-12-31Callenish CircleOut of the Body (pestilence cover)My Passion//Your Painmetalblade
1410. 2007-12-31DemiricousAppreciation of MiseryTwo (poverty)metalblade
1411. 2007-12-31Cannibal CorpseI Cum BloodTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1412. 2007-12-24Omenthe AxemanBattle Crymetalblade
1413. 2007-12-24DemiricousNever Enough RoadTwo (poverty)metalblade
1414. 2007-12-24Bolt ThrowerReturn From ChaosMercenarymetalblade
1415. 2007-12-24SacrificeAfterlifeForward to Terminationmetalblade
1416. 2007-12-17DemiricousExpression of Immunity of GodTwo (poverty)metalblade
1417. 2007-12-17Sons of AzraelWraththe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1418. 2007-12-10DemiricousTusk and ClawTwo (poverty)metalblade
1419. 2007-12-03DemiricousLeprosaic BeliefTwo (poverty)metalblade
1420. 2007-12-03Six Feet Underamerika the brutalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1421. 2007-12-03Cannibal CorpseSplit Wide OpenTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1422. 2007-11-26the Black Dahlia MurderEverything went BlackNocturnalmetalblade
1423. 2007-11-19Vomitorywhispers from the deadTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
1424. 2007-11-19SacrificeAfterlifeForward to Terminationmetalblade
1425. 2007-11-19DemiricousTusk and ClawTwo (poverty)metalblade
1426. 2007-11-19Attackerthe Wrath of NevermoreBattle at Helms Deepmetalblade
1427. 2007-11-19SodomOutbreak of Evilin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
1428. 2007-11-12Lizzy BordenGive 'em the AxeGive 'em the Axemetalblade
1429. 2007-11-12HellhammerCrucifixionVarious Artist - Metal Massacre Vmetalblade
1430. 2007-11-12Hiraxbombs of deathVarious Artist - Metal Massacre VImetalblade
1431. 2007-11-12SodomWitching Metalin the Sign of Evilmetalblade
1432. 2007-11-12PandemoniumYou Evils WaysThe Killmetalblade
1433. 2007-11-12DestructionUnited by HatredEternal Devastationmetalblade
1434. 2007-11-12SlayerBlack MagicShow No Mercymetalblade
1435. 2007-11-05AeonLiving sinRise to Dominatemetalblade
1436. 2007-11-05DemiricousKnuckle EyeTwo (poverty)metalblade
1437. 2007-10-29the Black Dahlia MurderI Worship Only What You BleedNocturnalmetalblade
1438. 2007-10-29Candlemassthe prophocyTales of Creationmetalblade
1439. 2007-10-22DemiricousEngineerTwo (poverty)metalblade
1440. 2007-10-15the Black Dahlia Murderto a Breathless OblivionNocturnalmetalblade
1441. 2007-10-15AeonHouse of GreedRise to Dominatemetalblade
1442. 2007-10-15DemiricousLeprosaic BeliefTwo (poverty)metalblade
1443. 2007-10-08the Black Dahlia MurderWorship Only What You BleedNocturnalmetalblade
1444. 2007-10-08the AbsenceInto the PitRiders of the Plaguemetalblade
1445. 2007-10-08AeonGodlessRise to Dominatemetalblade
1446. 2007-10-08DemiricousExpression of Immunity of GodTwo (poverty)metalblade
1447. 2007-10-08Cannibal Corpsethe Cryptic StenchTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1448. 2007-10-08As I Lay DyingSeparationAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1449. 2007-10-01the Black Dahlia MurderVirally YoursNocturnalmetalblade
1450. 2007-10-01As I Lay DyingWithin DestructionAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1451. 2007-10-01AeonSpreading their DiseaseRise to Dominatemetalblade
1452. 2007-10-01Confessorthe SecretMetal Massacremetalblade
1453. 2007-09-24As I Lay DyingNothing LeftAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1454. 2007-09-24AeonCaressed By the Holy ManRise to Dominatemetalblade
1455. 2007-09-24the Black Dahlia MurderDeathmask DivineNocturnalmetalblade
1456. 2007-09-17the Black Dahlia MurderWhat a Horrible Night to Have a CurseNocturnalmetalblade
1457. 2007-09-17SlayerHallowed PointSouth of Heavenmetalblade
1458. 2007-09-17AeonGodlessRise to Dominatemetalblade
1459. 2007-09-17As I Lay DyingForsakenAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1460. 2007-09-10The Red ChordOpen Eyed Beast AttackPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1461. 2007-09-10AeonHate ThemRise to Dominatemetalblade
1462. 2007-09-10God DethronedBoiling BloodBloody Blasphemymetalblade
1463. 2007-09-10Sons of AzraelSweet Blasphemythe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1464. 2007-09-03King DiamondNever Ending HillGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1465. 2007-09-03AnteriorDays of DelieveranceThis Age of Silencemetalblade
1466. 2007-09-03As I Lay DyingWithin DestructionAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1467. 2007-09-03The Red ChordSend in the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1468. 2007-09-03AeonYou Pray to NothingRise to Dominatemetalblade
1469. 2007-08-27The Red ChordResponsiblesPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1470. 2007-08-27AeonLiving sinRise to Dominatemetalblade
1471. 2007-08-27Sons of AzraelEnd of the Ropethe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1472. 2007-08-27AnteriorHuman HiveThis Age of Silencemetalblade
1473. 2007-08-27King Diamondthe cellarGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1474. 2007-08-20The Red ChordIt runs in the FamilyPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1475. 2007-08-20Gorerottedhacked in the back, dumped in a sackOnly Tools and Corpsesmetalblade
1476. 2007-08-20As I Lay DyingForsakenAn Ocean Between Usmetalblade
1477. 2007-08-20the AbsenceWorld DividesRiders of the Plaguemetalblade
1478. 2007-08-20Sons of AzraelTrail of Fleshthe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1479. 2007-08-13Fueled by FireMassive ExecutionSpread the Firemetalblade
1480. 2007-08-13Sons of AzraelHuman Mortal Formthe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1481. 2007-08-13The Red ChordSend the Death StormPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1482. 2007-08-13Manowarthe Sons of OdinOdinmetalblade
1483. 2007-08-06SlayerChemical WarfareHaunting the Chapelmetalblade
1484. 2007-08-06Fueled by FireDreams of TerrorSpread the Firemetalblade
1485. 2007-08-06Cannibal CorpseStriped, Raped, and StragledThe Bleedingmetalblade
1486. 2007-08-06The Red ChordDread PrevialedPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1487. 2007-08-06Job for a CowboyReduce to Mere FilthGenesismetalblade
1488. 2007-08-06Sons of AzraelTurn that Crown Upside Downthe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1489. 2007-08-06the AbsenceWorld DividesRiders of the Plaguemetalblade
1490. 2007-07-30Sons of AzraelSweet Blasphemythe Conjuration of Vengeancemetalblade
1491. 2007-07-30As I Lay DyingWithin DestructionAn Ocean Between Us (radio single)metalblade
1492. 2007-07-30The Red ChordIt runs in the FamilyPrey for Eyesmetalblade
1493. 2007-07-30the AbsenceInto the PitRiders of the Plaguemetalblade
1494. 2007-07-23The Red ChordIt came from over therePrey for Eyesmetalblade
1495. 2007-07-23the AbsenceDead and GoneRiders of the Plaguemetalblade
1496. 2007-07-23King DiamondBlack of NightGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1497. 2007-07-23Job for a CowboyBearing the Serpents LambGenesismetalblade
1498. 2007-07-16the AbsenceNecropolisFrom Your Gravemetalblade
1499. 2007-07-16Cannibal CorpseI Cum BloodTomb of the Mutilatedmetalblade
1500. 2007-07-16Beyond the Sixth SealI die at 35the Resurrection of Everything Toughmetalblade
1501. 2007-07-16DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1502. 2007-07-16Memory GardenShadow SeasonVerdict of Posteritymetalblade
1503. 2007-07-09The CrownBlack LightningHell is Heremetalblade
1504. 2007-07-09Forever in Terrorthe Chosen OneRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1505. 2007-07-09Job for a CowboyAltered from CatechizationGenesismetalblade
1506. 2007-07-09Evergreen TerraceWolfbikerWolfbikermetalblade
1507. 2007-07-09King Diamondthe Floating HeadGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1508. 2007-07-09VomitoryTerrorize Brutalize SodomizeTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
1509. 2007-07-09Memory GardenCarved in StoneVerdict of Posteritymetalblade
1510. 2007-07-02the DestroBeast BurdenAs the Foil Unwindsmetalblade
1511. 2007-07-02VomitoryFlesh PassionTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
1512. 2007-07-02Job for a CowboyAltered from CatechizationGenesismetalblade
1513. 2007-06-25Job for a Cowboythe divine falsehoodGenesismetalblade
1514. 2007-06-25King DiamondMirror, MirrorGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1515. 2007-06-25Forever in Terrorin the face of the facelessRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1516. 2007-06-18vomitorywhispers from the deadTerrorize Brutalize Sodomizemetalblade
1517. 2007-06-18Job for a Cowboymartyrdom unsealedGenesismetalblade
1518. 2007-06-18king diamondthe cellarGive me your Soul... Pleasemetalblade
1519. 2007-06-18Forever in Terrorto Burn Alone, to Burn AliveRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1520. 2007-06-11Job for a CowboyStrings of hypocrisyGenesismetalblade
1521. 2007-06-11Forever in TerrorAll Left DrowningRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1522. 2007-06-11the DestroBeast BurdenAs the Foil Unwindsmetalblade
1523. 2007-06-04Job for a CowboyBearing the Serpents LambGenesismetalblade
1524. 2007-06-04Forever in TerrorI'm not afraid of tomorrowRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1525. 2007-05-28Job for a CowboyReduce to Mere FilthGenesismetalblade
1526. 2007-05-28Forever in Terrorupon your graveRestless in the Tidesmetalblade
1527. 2007-05-28Anteriorthe silent divineThis Age of Silencemetalblade
1528. 2007-05-28the Destrostructures collapseAs the Foil Unwindsmetalblade
1529. 2007-05-21the Destroas the coil unwindsAs the Foil Unwindsmetalblade
1530. 2007-05-07Psyopusthe pig keeperis daughterOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1531. 2007-04-30Psyopuskill usOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1532. 2007-04-16PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1533. 2007-04-09Psyopuskill usOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1534. 2007-03-19Psyopusthe pig keeperis daughterOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1535. 2007-03-05Psyopus2Our Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1536. 2007-02-26PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1537. 2007-02-19Psyopushappy valentineis dayOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1538. 2007-02-12Psyopuskill usOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1539. 2007-02-05Psyopuswhore meet liarOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1540. 2007-01-15DemiricousrepentagramOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1541. 2007-01-15PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1542. 2007-01-01PsyopusInsectsOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1543. 2006-09-04the crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1544. 2006-06-05immolationno jesus, no beastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1545. 2006-04-17the crowncrowned in terrorCrowned in Terrormetalblade
1546. 2006-03-27DemiricousrepentagramOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1547. 2006-03-13DemiricousrepentagramOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1548. 2006-02-27DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1549. 2006-02-20Demiricouswithdrawal divineOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1550. 2006-02-13Demiricousperfectiom and infectionOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1551. 2006-02-06Demiricouscheat the leaderOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1552. 2006-01-23DemiricousmatadorOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1553. 2006-01-16DemiricousBeyond ObsceneOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1554. 2005-12-12Demiricousvagrant idolOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1555. 2005-12-05DemiricousrepentagramOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1556. 2005-11-28Demiricousto serve is to destroyOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1557. 2005-11-07Demiricousto serve is to destroyOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1558. 2005-10-31DemiricousrepentagramOne (Hellbound)metalblade
1559. 2005-08-22PsyopusanomallyOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1560. 2005-08-08Psyopus#2Our Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1561. 2005-08-08manowarthe gods made heavy metalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1562. 2005-05-30immolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1563. 2005-02-21the crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1564. 2004-12-20PsyopusanomalyOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1565. 2004-11-29Psyopusmork and mindyOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1566. 2004-10-18PsyopusanomalyOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1567. 2004-07-26Manowarthe gods made heavy metalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1568. 2004-07-05the crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1569. 2004-06-21PsyopusMork and Mindy (Daydream Lover)Our Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1570. 2004-05-31PsyopusanomalyOur Puzzling Encounters Consideredmetalblade
1571. 2004-03-08six feet underamerika the brutalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1572. 2004-01-26Manowarthe gods made heavy metalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1573. 2004-01-12the crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1574. 2003-12-29callenish circleout of bodyMy Passion//Your Painnmetalblade
1575. 2003-10-27six feet underamerika the brootalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1576. 2003-10-13six feet underamerika the brutalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1577. 2003-09-29six feet underbringer of bloodBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1578. 2003-09-22six feet underamerika the brutalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1579. 2003-09-09six feet underamerica the brutalBringer of Bloodmetalblade
1580. 2003-08-12Callenish Circleout of the body (pestilence cover)My Passion//Your Painmetalblade
1581. 2002-05-14ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1582. 2002-04-02The CrownCrowned in TerrorCrowned in Terrormetalblade
1583. 2002-02-11the Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1584. 2002-01-29the Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1585. 2001-12-25ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1586. 2001-09-18The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1587. 2001-09-04ImmolationNo jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1588. 2001-09-04ImmolationNo jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1589. 2001-05-29The Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1590. 2001-05-08Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1591. 2001-03-20CatastrophicterraformCleansingmetalblade
1592. 2001-03-13CatastrophicJesters of the MilleniumCleansingmetalblade
1593. 2001-03-06Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1594. 2001-02-27CatastrophicBalancing the FuriesCleansingmetalblade
1595. 2001-02-27ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1596. 2001-02-20CatastrophicLab RatsCleansingmetalblade
1597. 2001-01-16the Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1598. 2000-12-31the Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
1599. 2000-12-19ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1600. 2000-12-19ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1601. 2000-11-28ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1602. 2000-07-17ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
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1604. 2000-06-26ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1605. 2000-06-19ManowarThe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1606. 2000-04-17ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1607. 2000-03-20Manowarthe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1608. 2000-02-21ImmolationNo Jesus, No beastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1609. 2000-01-24ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1610. 1999-12-27ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1611. 1999-12-13Manowarthe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1612. 1999-10-18Manowarthe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1613. 1999-09-27Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1614. 1999-08-30Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1615. 1999-08-16Goddess of DesireInfernal BestialitiesSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1616. 1999-08-09Goddess of DesireLive for metalSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1617. 1999-08-02Goddess of DesireLive for metalSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1618. 1999-07-26Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1619. 1999-07-19Goddess of DesireMetal ForeverSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1620. 1999-07-12Goddess of DesireInfernal BestialitiesSymbols of Triumphmetalblade
1621. 1999-05-24Manowarthe Gods made Heavy MetalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1622. 1999-05-24ImmolationNo Jesus, No BeastFailures For Godsmetalblade
1623. 1999-05-10Manowarthe gods made heavy metalLouder than Hellmetalblade
1624. 1999-03-29the Crown1999 - Revolution 666Hell is Heremetalblade
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