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this is the collection of all the playlists that I've typed in.
the first show was on September 2 1996.
It will take a while to get there
So far, there are 1399 playlist up with 57962 songs played going back to 0000-00-00


click here to view top songs/bands by year
click here to view all bands played
1. 2025-01-13EntombedCarnal LeftoversLeft Hand PathEarache Records
2. 2024-12-02Iron MonkeyBlack AspirinIron MonkeyEarache
3. 2024-11-11Savage MessiahLive As One Already DeadFateful DarkEarache Records
4. 2024-11-11Bolt ThrowerWarmaster...For Victory, Disc 2Earache Records
5. 2024-10-14Order of EnneadA Portal To RaptureAn Examination of BeingEarache
6. 2024-09-09Bolt ThrowerWhen Glory Beckons...For VictoryEarache Records
7. 2024-09-02The HauntedOne Kill WonderWarning ShotsEarache
8. 2024-07-15Berzerker, TheForeverThe BerzerkerEarache Records
9. 2024-06-17Your DemiseHypochondriacIgnorance Never DiesEarache Records
10. 2024-02-12Morbid AngelUnholy BlasphemiesAbominations of DesolationEarache
11. 2024-02-05MassacreCorpsegrinderFrom BeyondEarache Records
12. 2024-01-29Gama BombEvil VoicesCitizen BrainEarache Records
13. 2024-01-29At the GatesBlinded by FearSlaughter of the SoulEarache
14. 2023-12-18Morbid AngelUmulamahriFormulas Fatal to the FleshEarache
15. 2023-12-18WatchmakerCatalepsy of FearKill. Fucking. Everyone.Earache
16. 2023-11-20EntombedSupposed to RotLeft Hand PathEarache Records
17. 2023-08-21Forest StreamBlack SwansTears of Mortal Solitude, Disc 1Earache Records
18. 2023-06-19EntombedDrownedLeft Hand PathEarache Records
19. 2023-06-19At the GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the SoulEarache
20. 2023-06-12WatchmakerCivic BloodlustKill. Fucking. Everyone.Earache
21. 2023-05-22Hate EternalBehold JudasI, MonarchEarache
22. 2023-05-15Insect WarfareMind RipperWorld ExterminationEarache
23. 2023-04-24WatchmakerFalling UpwardsErased from the Memory of ManEarache
24. 2023-02-27TerrorizerResurrectionWorld DownfallEarache
25. 2022-12-12Bolt ThrowerSilent Demise...For VictoryEarache Records
26. 2022-12-12EntombedGod of ThunderFull of HellEarache Records
27. 2022-08-29At the GatesSlaughter of the SoulSlaughter of the SoulEarache
28. 2022-07-25Blood from the SoulNatures HoleTo Spite the Gland That BreedsEarache/Nottingham
29. 2022-07-18Your DemiseThe Clocks Aren't Ticking BackwardsIgnorance Never DiesEarache Records
30. 2022-07-04Insect WarfareHuman TraffickingWorld ExterminationEarache
31. 2022-06-27CarcassTools of the TradeTools of the TradeEarache Records
32. 2022-06-27Ignominious IncarcerationDynasty DamnationOf Winter BornEarache
33. 2022-06-27Extreme Noise TerrorThink About ItRetro-ButionEarache Records
34. 2022-05-09Napalm DeathJuidicial SlimeUtopia BanishedEarache
35. 2022-04-11ArsisReturnA Celebration of GuiltEarache
36. 2022-03-21Entombed04 - When Life Has CeasedLeft Hand PathEarache
37. 2022-02-28Insect WarfareNecessary DeathWorld ExterminationEarache
38. 2022-02-21At the GatesSlaughter of the SoulSlaughter of the SoulEarache
39. 2021-11-22PitchshifterGritter (Version)SubmitEarache Records
40. 2021-11-22Entombed06 - But Life Goes OnLeft Hand PathEarache
41. 2021-09-27Insect WarfareNuclear DeterrenceWorld ExterminationEarache
42. 2021-06-21Insect WarfareSelf TerminationWorld ExterminationEarache
43. 2021-03-15Entombed08 - Morbid DevourmentLeft Hand PathEarache
44. 2021-03-08EntombedAbnormally DeceasedLeft Hand PathEarache Records
45. 2021-01-18WolverineHis Cold Touch, Pt. 1Window PurposeEarache
46. 2021-01-18Bolt ThrowerRealm Of ChaosGrind Madness At The BBCEarache
47. 2020-11-16At the GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the SoulEarache
48. 2020-10-26Entombed04 - When Life Has CeasedLeft Hand PathEarache
49. 2020-10-05Entombed03 - Revel In FleshLeft Hand PathEarache
50. 2020-09-21CarcassSwarming Vulgar Mass of Infected VirulencySymphonies of SicknessEarache Records
51. 2020-07-20Entombed10 - The Truth BeyondLeft Hand PathEarache
52. 2020-05-04Entombed08 - Morbid DevourmentLeft Hand PathEarache
53. 2020-02-03Berzerker, TheFebruaryThe BerzerkerEarache Records
54. 2020-01-13Berzerker, TheMassacreThe BerzerkerEarache Records
55. 2020-01-06TerrorizerRipped to ShredsWorld DownfallEarache
56. 2019-12-30WatchmakerNihilism and DespairKill. Fucking. Everyone.Earache
57. 2019-10-28AkercockeSummon the AntichristAntichristEarache
58. 2019-10-14Berzerker, TheCannibal RightsThe BerzerkerEarache Records
59. 2019-09-30CarcassIncarnated Solvent AbuseTools of the TradeEarache Records
60. 2019-09-23Cult of LunaReceiverThe BeyondEarache
61. 2019-09-02At the GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the SoulEarache
62. 2019-07-29MassacreFrom BeyondFrom BeyondEarache Records
63. 2019-07-22MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom BeyondEarache Records
64. 2019-07-15Municipal WasteSadistic MagicianThe Art of PartyingEarache
65. 2019-04-01Bolt Thrower...For Victory...For VictoryEarache Records
66. 2019-03-25NocturnusStanding in BloodThe KeyEarache
67. 2019-02-11UrkraftThe Great SummerInhuman AberrationEarache
68. 2019-02-11Iron MonkeyBig LoaderIron MonkeyEarache
69. 2019-01-28Cult of LunaCircleThe BeyondEarache
70. 2019-01-14EntombedAbnormally DeceasedLeft Hand PathEarache Records
71. 2018-12-31Entombed05 - Supposed To RotLeft Hand PathEarache
72. 2018-11-26Broken Hope09.He Was RapedLoathingearache
73. 2018-11-19CarcassBlood Splattered BannerWake Up and Smell the Carcass, Disc 1Earache Records
74. 2018-10-08Cult of LunaLeashThe BeyondEarache
75. 2018-09-24Forest StreamLegendTears of Mortal Solitude, Disc 1Earache Records
76. 2018-09-17DisgustYou Have No RightBrutality of WarEarache Records
77. 2018-09-10Cerebral BoreHorrendous Acts of IniquityI Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)/Horrendous Acts of IniquityEarache Records
78. 2018-08-06Insect WarfareDecontaminationWorld ExterminationEarache
79. 2018-07-02Municipal WasteHeadbanger Face RipThe Art of PartyingEarache
80. 2018-06-25DeicideWalk with the Devil in Dreams You BeholdThe Stench of RedemptionEarache Records
81. 2018-06-25PitchshifterGritter (Version)SubmitEarache Records
82. 2018-05-14Napalm DeathJudicial SlimeUtopia Banishedearache
83. 2018-04-09Municipal WasteBlack IceHazardous MutationEarache
84. 2018-04-09OceanoInhuman AfflictionDepths [Beeped Promo]Earache
85. 2018-02-19CarcassBlack StarSwansongearache
86. 2018-01-29GodfleshSlavestate (Radio Slave)SlavestateEarache Records
87. 2018-01-29NocturnusAndromeda StrainThe KeyEarache
88. 2018-01-22Bolt ThrowerThe Ivth Crusade...For Victory, Disc 2Earache Records
89. 2018-01-01CadaverBlurred VisionsIn PainsEarache Records
90. 2017-12-18TerrorizerHuman PreyWorld DownfallEarache
91. 2017-11-20ArsisSeven Whispers Fell SilentA Celebration of GuiltEarache
92. 2017-10-30Forest StreamSnowfallTears of Mortal Solitude, Disc 1Earache Records
93. 2017-10-30EntombedLeft Hand PathLeft Hand PathEarache Records
94. 2017-10-09Morbid AngelAngel of DiseaseAbominations of DesolationEarache
95. 2017-10-09NocturnusUndead JourneyThe KeyEarache
96. 2017-10-09CauldronConjure The MassChained To The NiteEarache
97. 2017-10-09Insect WarfareHydraphobiaWorld ExterminationEarache
98. 2017-07-24Insect WarfareArmored VirusWorld ExterminationEarache
99. 2017-07-24WormrotOverpowered ViolenceDirgeearache
100. 2017-07-10Bolt Thrower...For Victory...For VictoryEarache Records
101. 2017-07-03Insect WarfareArmored VirusWorld ExterminationEarache
102. 2017-06-19Bolt ThrowerCenotaph...For Victory, Disc 2Earache Records
103. 2017-06-19PitchshifterDeconstructionSubmitEarache Records
104. 2017-06-12SleepDragonautSleep's Holy MountainEarache Records
105. 2017-06-05AkercockeMy Apterous AngelAntichristEarache
106. 2017-06-05Blood Red ThroneYour Cold FleshSouls Of Damnationearache
107. 2017-05-29Insect WarfareManipulatorWorld ExterminationEarache
108. 2017-05-29EntombedFull Of HellWolverine Bluesearache
109. 2017-04-17WatchmakerConquering a Dead PlanetErased from the Memory of ManEarache
110. 2017-04-10Cult of LunaThe WatchtowerThe BeyondEarache
111. 2017-04-03Hate EternalBorn By FireKing Of All Kingsearache
112. 2017-03-13Extreme Noise TerrorPunishment SolitudeDamage 381Earache Records
113. 2017-02-27Insect WarfareDead InsideWorld ExterminationEarache
114. 2017-02-27Napalm DeathRepression Out of UniformWords from the Exit WoundEarache
115. 2017-02-06Berzerker, TheFebruaryThe BerzerkerEarache Records
116. 2017-01-09EntombedWhen Life Has CeasedLeft Hand PathEarache Records
117. 2017-01-02Ignominious IncarcerationSaviourOf Winter BornEarache
118. 2016-12-12Forest StreamThe Crown Of WinterCrown Of Winterearache
119. 2016-11-21Napalm DeathSocial SterilityFrom Enslavement To ObliterationEarache
120. 2016-10-31EntombedLeft Hand PathLeft Hand PathEarache Records
121. 2016-10-03Berzerker, TheNo One WinsDissimulateEarache Records
122. 2016-09-19Bolt ThrowerLest We Forget...For VictoryEarache Records
123. 2016-09-19UsurperThe Struggle of TyrantsTwilight DominionEarache Records
124. 2016-09-19Gama BombSentenced to ThrashCitizen BrainEarache Records
125. 2016-08-22Extreme Noise TerrorJesus on My SideDamage 381Earache Records
126. 2016-08-22TerrorizerCondemned SystemWorld DownfallEarache
127. 2016-08-22Insect WarfareEnslaved By MachineryWorld ExterminationEarache
128. 2016-08-08CarcassTools of the TradeNecroticismEarache Records
129. 2016-07-18TerrorizerEnslaved by PropagandaWorld DownfallEarache
130. 2016-05-23Extreme Noise TerrorWe the HelplessRetro-ButionEarache Records
131. 2016-04-11Bolt ThrowerEternal WarVarious Artists: Grind Madness At The BBCEarache
132. 2016-03-21Bolt ThrowerWhere Next to Conquer...For Victory, Disc 2Earache Records
133. 2016-02-08ArsisWorship DepravedA Celebration of GuiltEarache
134. 2016-02-01EntwinedThe Sacrifice of SpringDancing Under GlassEarache Records
135. 2016-01-25Napalm DeathMoral CrusadeGrind Madness At The BBCEarache
136. 2015-12-14Napalm DeathSocial SterilityDeath by Manipulationearache
137. 2015-12-07Berzerker, TheFalse HopeAnimosityEarache Records
138. 2015-12-07Your DemiseAntipodeIgnorance Never Diesearache
139. 2015-11-09Lawnmower DethSatan's TrampolineVarious Artists - Grindcrusher 2earache
140. 2015-10-26EntombedLeft Hand PathLeft Hand Pathearache
141. 2015-10-19CarcassI Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)Split - Carcass/Cerebral Boreearache
142. 2015-10-19At The GatesCaptor Of Sin (Slayer Cover)Slaughter of the Soulearache
143. 2015-10-12Woods of YpresA Meeting Place And TimeAgainst The Seasons: Cold Winter Songs From The Dead Summer Heatearache
144. 2015-09-07GodfleshSlavestate (Radio Slave)Slavestateearache
145. 2015-08-17The Berzerkerthe CancerAnimosityearache
146. 2015-08-17Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
147. 2015-08-10At The GatesUnder a Serpent SunSlaughter of the Soulearache
148. 2015-08-10Morbid AngelChapel of GhoulsAltars of Madnessearache
149. 2015-08-03CarcassRot n RollWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
150. 2015-06-29MassacreSuccubusFrom Beyondearache
151. 2015-06-22Morbid AngelImmortal RitesAltars of Madnessearache
152. 2015-06-22The HauntedBury Your DeadWarning Shotsearache
153. 2015-06-15Morbid AngelNothing is NotForulas Fetal To The Fleshearache
154. 2015-05-25Bolt ThrowerWar MasterWarmasterearache
155. 2015-05-04Morbid AngelWhere the Slime LiveDominationearache
156. 2015-05-04CarcassDeath CertificateHeartworkearache
157. 2015-04-20Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
158. 2015-04-20EntombedShreds Of FleshStranger Aeonsearache
159. 2015-04-20Forest StreamWinter SolsticeTears Of Mortal Solitudeearache
160. 2015-04-13At The GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the Soulearache
161. 2015-04-13CarcassCadaveric Incubator Of Endo ParasitesVarious Artists - Grind Madness At The BBCearache
162. 2015-04-13TerrorizerStrategic WarheadsWorld Downfallearache
163. 2015-03-30Toxic HolocaustNowhere To RunConjure And Commandearache
164. 2015-03-23Bolt ThrowerWhen Glory Beckons...For Victoryearache
165. 2015-02-23Extreme Noise TerrorPeople Not ProfitVarious Artist - Grind Madness At The BBCearache
166. 2015-02-02The BerzerkerFebruaryThe Berzerkerearache
167. 2014-12-29CarcassGenital GrinderSymphonies of Sicknessearache
168. 2014-12-29NeuraxisXenobioticTruth Beyond.../Imagery/Passages Into Forlornearache
169. 2014-12-29Forest StreamWinter SolsticeTears Of Mortal Solitudeearache
170. 2014-12-01GodfleshStreetcleanerStreetcleanerearache
171. 2014-11-17DecapitatedSphere of MadnessNihilityearache
172. 2014-11-10Bolt ThrowerThrough the Eyes of TerrorVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
173. 2014-10-20Napalm DeathPractice What You PreachFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
174. 2014-10-13Blood Red Thronethe Children Shall EndureMonument Of Deathearache
175. 2014-09-29CarcassMicrowaved UterogestationReek Of Putrefactionearache
176. 2014-09-29Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
177. 2014-09-29WormrotStench Of IgnoranceDirgeearache
178. 2014-09-01GodfleshChristbait RisingStreetcleanerearache
179. 2014-08-25WormrotSpot A PatheticDirgeearache
180. 2014-08-25Toxic HolocaustWar is HellThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
181. 2014-08-18CarcassNo Love LostHeartworkearache
182. 2014-08-18WolverineThe Storm InsideWindow Purposeearache
183. 2014-07-28Insect WarfareHuman TraffickingWorld Exterminationearache
184. 2014-07-21Lawnmower DethSatan's TrampolineVarious Artists - Grindcrusher 2earache
185. 2014-06-02The BerzerkermassacreThe Berzerkerearache
186. 2014-05-12Pitch ShifterBastardizerSubmitearache
187. 2014-05-12CarcassCarbonized EyesocketsReek Of Putrefactionearache
188. 2014-05-05Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
189. 2014-05-05RepulsionFestering BoilsHorrifiedearache
190. 2014-05-05DeicideHate of All HatredsTill Death Do Us Partearache
191. 2014-04-28Napalm Deaththe World Keeps TurningUtopia Banishedearache
192. 2014-04-07CarcassKeep On Rotting In The Free WorldSwansongearache
193. 2014-04-07GodfleshBlack Boned AngelSelflessearache
194. 2014-03-24Morbid AngelPrayer of HatredForulas Fetal To The Fleshearache
195. 2014-03-24CarcassNo Love LostHeartworkearache
196. 2014-03-10Insect WarfareHydraphobiaWorld Exterminationearache
197. 2014-03-10CarcassSymposium Of SicknessNecroticism - Descanting the Insalubriousearache
198. 2014-03-03Anal CuntChapel Of GristleEveryone Should Be KILLEDearache
199. 2014-02-03Insect WarfareNecessary DeathWorld Exterminationearache
200. 2014-01-27At The GatesNeedSlaughter of the Soulearache
201. 2014-01-27InsisionRevealed And WorshippedRevealed And Worshippedearache
202. 2013-12-30Woods of YpresLightning & SnowWoods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Lightearache
203. 2013-12-23DeicideOblivious To EvilDeicideearache
204. 2013-12-02Broken HopeCloningLoathingearache
205. 2013-11-04Bolt ThrowerGraven Image...For Victoryearache
206. 2013-10-21December WolvesSolid Gold BeatingBlasterpiece Theatreearache
207. 2013-10-07Bolt ThrowerWorld EaterVarious Artist - Grindcrusher 2earache
208. 2013-09-30Napalm DeathThrown Down A RopeWords From The Exit Woundearache
209. 2013-09-16Napalm DeathI AbstainUtopia Banishedearache
210. 2013-09-02GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
211. 2013-09-02Municipal WasteBeer Pressurethe Art of Partyingearache
212. 2013-08-26Insect WarfareHydrophobiaWorld Exterminationearache
213. 2013-08-19CarcassPedigree ButcheryNecroticism - Descanting the Insalubriousearache
214. 2013-08-12EntombedGod of ThunderFull of Hellearache
215. 2013-08-12WolverineThe Storm InsideWindow Purposeearache
216. 2013-08-12Blood Red ThroneHymn Of The AsylumBlood Red Throneearache
217. 2013-08-05At The GatesForever BlindPurgatory Unleashed: Live At Wakenearache
218. 2013-08-05GodfleshZero The Hero (Black Sabbath Cover)Raritiesearache
219. 2013-07-08Napalm DeathWorlds ApartFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
220. 2013-06-24Merciless DeathExumerThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
221. 2013-06-24EntombedFull of HellFull of Hellearache
222. 2013-06-17Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars of Madnessearache
223. 2013-05-27Broken HopeAuction Of The DeadLoathingearache
224. 2013-05-27CarcassI Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)Wake up and Smell the Carcassearache
225. 2013-05-27At The GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the Soulearache
226. 2013-05-06GodfleshSomeone Somewhere ScornedSlavestateearache
227. 2013-04-15Morbid AngelSuffocationAltars of Madnessearache
228. 2013-04-15Napalm DeathCock-Rock AlienationFrom Enslavement To Obliterationearache
229. 2013-02-11Lawnmower DethSatan's TrampolineVarious Artists - Grindcrusher 2earache
230. 2013-02-04The BerzerkerCannibal Rightsself-titledearache
231. 2012-12-24CarcassBuried DreamsHeartworkearache
232. 2012-12-17Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
233. 2012-12-17Blood Red ThroneTaste of GodCome Deathearache
234. 2012-12-03At The GatesNauseaSlaughter of the Soulearache
235. 2012-11-19Bolt Throwerthe Shreds of SanityWarmasterearache
236. 2012-11-05CoalesceA Safe PlaceNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
237. 2012-10-22Napalm Deaththe World Keeps TurningUtopia Banishedearache
238. 2012-09-24CarcassMalignant DefecationSymphonies of Sicknessearache
239. 2012-09-17DisgustCivilisation DecaysBrutality of Warearache
240. 2012-09-10Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars of Madnessearache
241. 2012-09-03EntombedBut life goes onLeft Hand Pathearache
242. 2012-09-03GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
243. 2012-08-27Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars Of Madnessearache
244. 2012-08-20Napalm DeathMass Appeal MadnessDeath By Manipulationearache
245. 2012-08-13TerrorizerFear of NapalmWorld Downfallearache
246. 2012-08-13Pitch ShifterBastardizerSubmitearache
247. 2012-08-06CarcassCarneous CacoffinyNecroticism - Descanting the Insalubriousearache
248. 2012-07-30Hate EternalKing of All KingsKing of All Kingsearache
249. 2012-07-30The BerzerkerCannibal Rightsself-titledearache
250. 2012-07-23CarcassNo Love LostHeartworkearache
251. 2012-07-23Anal CuntHootie & the BlowfishEveryone Should Be KILLEDearache
252. 2012-07-16Napalm DeathRise AboveDeath By Manipulationearache
253. 2012-06-25MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom Beyondearache
254. 2012-06-18Cadaver Inc.RaptureDisciplineearache
255. 2012-06-04Bolt ThrowerWar/Remembrance...For Victoryearache
256. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathYou SufferVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
257. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathDeadVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
258. 2012-06-04Napalm DeathYour AchievementVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
259. 2012-06-04WormrotFalse Grind SodomyVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
260. 2012-06-04WormrotYou Suffer But Why Is It My ProblemVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
261. 2012-06-04Brutal TruthCollateral DamageVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
262. 2012-06-04Anal CuntHoward Wulkan's BaldVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
263. 2012-06-04Lawnmower DethBe Scene Not HeardVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
264. 2012-06-04PainkillerTrailmarkerVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
265. 2012-06-04Brutal TruthBlockheadVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
266. 2012-06-04Morbid AngelBil Ur-Sag #2 LiveVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
267. 2012-06-04Anal CuntWind chimes are gayVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
268. 2012-06-04Insect WarfareStreet SweeperVarious Artists - Earache: World's Shortest Recordsearache
269. 2012-05-21ConfessorPrepare YourselfCondemnedearache
270. 2012-05-14Municipal WasteBeer Pressurethe Art of Partyingearache
271. 2012-04-30Lawnmower DethSatan's TrampolineOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
272. 2012-04-16WormrotButt Kreig Is ShowingDirgeearache
273. 2012-04-02TerrorizerFear of NapalmWorld Downfallearache
274. 2012-03-26Gama BombHammer SlammerCitizen Brainearache
275. 2012-03-19EntombedAbnomally DeceasedLeft Hand Pathearache
276. 2012-03-19Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
277. 2012-03-12Iron Monkey666 Packsself-titledearache
278. 2012-03-05At The GatesForever BlindPurgatory Unleashed: Live At Wakenearache
279. 2012-02-27Lawnmower DethDid You Spill My Pint?Ooh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
280. 2012-02-13GodfleshAngel DomainSongs of Love and Hateearache
281. 2012-01-30CarcassI Told You So (Corporate Rock Really Does Suck)Wake up and Smell the Carcassearache
282. 2012-01-16Morbid AngelWhere the Slime LiveDominationearache
283. 2012-01-09GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
284. 2012-01-09The BerzerkerMassacreThe Berzerkerearache
285. 2012-01-02Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
286. 2011-12-26Anal CuntGuy SmileyEveryone Should Be KILLEDearache
287. 2011-12-26Woods of YpresEverything I Touch Turns To Gold (Then To Coal)The Green Albumearache
288. 2011-12-26At The GatesThe SwarmPurgatory Unleashed: Live At Wakenearache
289. 2011-12-26RepulsionRadiation SicknessVarious Artists: Grindcrusherearache
290. 2011-12-05TerrorizerRipped To ShredsWorld Downfallearache
291. 2011-11-14GodfleshStreetcleanerGrindcrusher - various artistearache
292. 2011-11-14Bolt ThrowerThrough the Eyes of TerrorVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
293. 2011-11-14Filthy ChristiansParty & Fight For Your RightVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
294. 2011-10-31Morbid AngelChapel of GhoulsAltars of Madnessearache
295. 2011-09-26Insect WarfareParanoiaWorld Exterminationearache
296. 2011-08-22White WizzardWest L.A. NightsFighting Tigersearache
297. 2011-08-15The BrowningNot AloneBurn This Worldearache
298. 2011-08-08At The GatesBlinded By FearSlaughter of the Soulearache
299. 2011-08-01Lawnmower DethDid You Spill My Pint?Ooh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
300. 2011-07-25Pitch ShifterGritterSubmitearache
301. 2011-07-18EntombedSupposed To RotLeft Hand Pathearache
302. 2011-07-18Anal CuntHootie & the BlowfishEveryone Should Be KILLEDearache
303. 2011-07-11ConfessorLast JudgenentCondemnedearache
304. 2011-07-04Lawnmower DethKids In AmericaOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
305. 2011-06-27Morbid AngelSworn To The BlackEntangled In Chaosearache
306. 2011-06-13Anal CuntMTV Is My Source For New MusicEveryone Should Be KILLEDearache
307. 2011-06-13Anal CuntObviously AdoptedDefenders Of The Hateearache
308. 2011-06-13Anal CuntJack Kevorkian Is CoolI Like it When You Dieearache
309. 2011-06-13Anal CuntRecycling Is GayI like it when you dieearache
310. 2011-06-13Anal CuntPottery Is GayI Like it When You Dieearache
311. 2011-06-13Anal CuntInternet Is GayI like it when you dieearache
312. 2011-06-13Anal CuntTechnology's GayI Like it When You Dieearache
313. 2011-06-13Anal CuntKyle From Incantation Has Got A MoustacheI like it when you dieearache
314. 2011-06-13MassacreCryptic RealmsFrom Beyondearache
315. 2011-05-30Brutal TruthDenial Of ExistenceExtreme Conditions Demand Extereme Responsesearache
316. 2011-05-30ConfessorPrepare YourselfCondemnedearache
317. 2011-05-30Napalm DeathMore Than Meets The EyeMore Than Meets The Eye singleearache
318. 2011-05-02Napalm DeathBreed To BreatheBreed To Breathe EPearache
319. 2011-04-25TerrorizerDead Shall RiseGrindcrusher - various artistearache
320. 2011-03-28Broken HopeAuction Of The DeadLoathingearache
321. 2011-03-21At The GatesThe SwarmPurgatory Unleashed: Live At Wakenearache
322. 2011-03-14EntombedThe Truth BeyondLeft Hand Pathearache
323. 2011-03-14CarcassRotten to the GoreTools of the Tradeearache
324. 2011-02-28Extreme Noise TerrorHuman Errorretro-butionearache
325. 2011-02-14At The GatesSlaughter of the SoulSlaughter of the Soulearache
326. 2011-01-31EntombedBlack BreathContempt singleearache
327. 2011-01-24The BerzerkerNo More ReasonAnimosityearache
328. 2010-12-27TerrorizerRipped To ShredsWorld Downfallearache
329. 2010-12-27GodfleshHunterSongs of Love and Hateearache
330. 2010-12-06Bolt ThrowerThrough the Eyes of TerrorVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
331. 2010-11-15EntombedAbnomally DeceasedLeft Hand Pathearache
332. 2010-11-01Pitch ShifterBastardizerSubmitearache
333. 2010-11-01MassacreChamber Of AgesFrom Beyondearache
334. 2010-11-01Napalm DeathYou SufferScumearache
335. 2010-10-25CarcassCorporal Jigsore QuandrayNecroticism - Descanting the Insalubriousearache
336. 2010-10-25EntombedWolverine BluesHollowmanearache
337. 2010-10-25AkercockeSummon the AntichristAntichristearache
338. 2010-10-18Bonded By BloodNecropsyFeed the Beastearache
339. 2010-10-04Morbid AngelImmortal RitesAltars of Madnessearache
340. 2010-09-27CarcassExhume to ConsumeSymphonies of Sicknessearache
341. 2010-09-27Municipal Wastethe Inebriatorthe Art of Partyingearache
342. 2010-09-20Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath By Manipulationearache
343. 2010-09-13Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars of Madnessearache
344. 2010-09-13TerrorizerCorporation Pull InWorld Downfallearache
345. 2010-09-13Extreme Noise TerrorJesus on my sideDamage 381earache
346. 2010-09-06Napalm DeathExileUtopia Banishedearache
347. 2010-08-23The BerzerkerCannibal Rightsself-titledearache
348. 2010-08-02DecapitatedMother WarNihilityearache
349. 2010-07-05Morbid AngelCovenant of DeathForulas Fetal To The Fleshearache
350. 2010-06-28Napalm DeathCleanse ImpureWords From The Exit Woundearache
351. 2010-06-28TerrorizerCorporation Pull InWorld Downfallearache
352. 2010-06-21At The GatesUnder A Serpent SunSlaughter of the Soulearache
353. 2010-06-14Bolt ThrowerWhen Glory Beckons...For Victoryearache
354. 2010-06-14Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
355. 2010-05-31Lawnmower DethSatan's TrampolineOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
356. 2010-05-31The BerzerkerCannibal Rightsself-titledearache
357. 2010-05-31CarcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
358. 2010-05-31EntombedLeft Hand PathLeft Hand Pathearache
359. 2010-05-17Order Of EnneadAn Examination Of BeingAn Examination Of Beingearache
360. 2010-05-10EntombedBitter LossLeft Hand Pathearache
361. 2010-05-10Order Of EnneadThis Mortal JourneyAn Examination Of Beingearache
362. 2010-05-03DecapitatedDay 69Organic Hallucinosisearache
363. 2010-04-26Order Of EnneadLies Upon the Lips Of JudasAn Examination Of Beingearache
364. 2010-03-29At The GatesNauseaSlaughter of the Soulearache
365. 2010-03-29Municipal Wastethe Inebriatorthe Art of Partyingearache
366. 2010-03-22CoalesceHarvest of MaturityNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
367. 2010-03-22Morbid AngelChapel of GhoulsVarious Artist: Grindcrusherearache
368. 2010-03-22RepulsionRadiation SicknessVarious Artists: Grindcrusherearache
369. 2010-03-15Municipal WasteHazardous MutationHazardous Mutationearache
370. 2010-03-15EntombedCarnal LeftoversLeft Hand Pathearache
371. 2010-03-01CarcassPyosisified (Rotten To The Gore)Wake up and Smell the Carcassearache
372. 2010-02-15With PassionDarkness Doth Bring MortalityIn the Midst of Bloodied Soilearache
373. 2010-02-15Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars of Madnessearache
374. 2010-02-15CarcassExhume to ConsumeSymphonies of Sicknessearache
375. 2010-02-08Bring me the HorizonAlot Like VegasCount Your Blessingsearache
376. 2010-02-01CarcassNo Love LostWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
377. 2010-01-25At The GatesBlinded By FearSlaughter of the Soulearache
378. 2010-01-25CarcassCarnal ForgeHeartworkearache
379. 2010-01-18Broken HopeHe Was RapedLoathingearache
380. 2010-01-11Hate EternalPath To The Eternal GodsI, Monarchearache
381. 2009-12-28Napalm DeathUnchallenged HateDeath By Manipulationearache
382. 2009-12-28EvileTrasherEnter the Graveearache
383. 2009-12-28Municipal WasteWrong AnswerMassive Aggressiveearache
384. 2009-12-28Brutal TruthDenial Of ExistenceExtreme Conditions Demand Extereme Responsesearache
385. 2009-12-07Municipal Wastethe Art of Partyingthe Art of Partyingearache
386. 2009-11-30VileEat the RudeDepolulatedearache
387. 2009-11-16Morbid Angelmaze of tormentAltars of Madnessearache
388. 2009-11-09CoalesceGrain of Salt002earache
389. 2009-11-09Morbid AngelMaze Of TormentAltars of Madnessearache
390. 2009-11-02Bolt ThrowerThrough the Eyes of TerrorVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
391. 2009-11-02CarcassExhume to ConsumeGrindcrusher - various artistearache
392. 2009-11-02GodfleshStreetcleanerGrindcrusher - various artistearache
393. 2009-10-26Your DemiseNothing Let But RegretIgnorance Never Diesearache
394. 2009-10-26Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
395. 2009-10-26DeicideDead by DawnAmon: Feasting the Beastearache
396. 2009-10-19Insect WarfareHydrophobiaWorld Exterminationearache
397. 2009-10-12At The GatesSlaughter of the SoulSlaughter of the Soulearache
398. 2009-10-12Pitch ShifterGritterSubmitearache
399. 2009-09-28Your DemiseBlack VeinsIgnorance Never Diesearache
400. 2009-09-21DisgustRelentless SlaughterBrutality of Warearache
401. 2009-09-21ConfessorCollapse Into DespairCondemnedearache
402. 2009-09-14Your DemiseFeels Like There's Something Dark InsideIgnorance Never Diesearache
403. 2009-09-14Anal CuntYou're A CopI like it when you dieearache
404. 2009-09-14Municipal WasteShredded OfferingMassive Aggressiveearache
405. 2009-09-07GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
406. 2009-09-07Your DemiseBurnt TonguesIgnorance Never Diesearache
407. 2009-09-07CarcassGenital Grinder IIWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
408. 2009-08-31Municipal WasteWrong AnswerMassive Aggressiveearache
409. 2009-08-24Insect WarfareParanoiaWorld Exterminationearache
410. 2009-08-24Municipal WasteShredded OfferingMassive Aggressiveearache
411. 2009-08-24Blood Red ThroneYour Cold FleshSouls Of Damnationearache
412. 2009-08-24Morbid Angelmaze of tormentAltars of Madnessearache
413. 2009-08-17Lawnmower DethDid You Spill My Pint?Ooh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
414. 2009-08-17Municipal WasteWolves Of ChernobylMassive Aggressiveearache
415. 2009-08-17EvileNosophorosInfected Nationsearache
416. 2009-08-17Blood Red ThroneHuman FraudSouls Of Damnationearache
417. 2009-08-17Insect WarfareDeaed InsideWorld Exterminationearache
418. 2009-08-10Celtic LegacyLive By The SwordVarious Artist - Heavy Metal Killersearache
419. 2009-08-10The HauntedOne Kill WonderWarning Shotsearache
420. 2009-08-10Blood Red ThroneThrone Of DamnationSouls Of Damnationearache
421. 2009-08-10Insect WarfareNuclear DeterranceWorld Exterminationearache
422. 2009-08-10OceanoFractured Frames, Scattered FleshDepthsearache
423. 2009-08-03Napalm DeathFood ChainsNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
424. 2009-08-03Bolt Throwerthe Shreds of SanityWarmasterearache
425. 2009-07-20EntwinedUnder a Killing MoonDancing Under Glassearache
426. 2009-07-20The BerzerkerRealityself-titledearache
427. 2009-07-20EntombedBitter LossLeft Hand Pathearache
428. 2009-07-20Morbid AngelDawn of the AngryDominationearache
429. 2009-07-06Iron MonkeyWeb of Pissself-titledearache
430. 2009-06-22CarcassPedigree ButcheryNecroticism - Descanting the Insalubriousearache
431. 2009-05-25DecapitatedSphere of MadnessNihilityearache
432. 2009-05-18At The GatesSuicide NationSlaughter of the Soulearache
433. 2009-05-18The BerzerkerFalse HopeAnimosityearache
434. 2009-05-18Brutal TruthI See RedNeed to Controlearache
435. 2009-05-11Insect WarfareMind RipperWorld Exterminationearache
436. 2009-05-11Morbid AngelVisions from the Dark SideAltars of Madnessearache
437. 2009-05-04At The GatesUnder a Serpent SunSlaughter of the Soulearache
438. 2009-05-04TerrorizerCorporation Pull InWorld Downfallearache
439. 2009-05-04Bolt ThrowerFinal RelevationWarmasterearache
440. 2009-04-27Bolt ThrowerStraight Jacket/I've Got A CureVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
441. 2009-04-27Napalm DeathThe Missing LinkVarious Artist - Grindcrusherearache
442. 2009-04-20CarcassArbeit Macht FleischHeartworkearache
443. 2009-04-20With PassionDarkness Doth Bring MortalityIn the Midst of Bloodied Soilearache
444. 2009-04-20Napalm DeathScumScumearache
445. 2009-04-20EntwinedUnder a Killing MoonDancing Under Glassearache
446. 2009-04-13EntombedWolverine BluesHollowmanearache
447. 2009-03-30EvileEnter the GraveEnter the Graveearache
448. 2009-03-30Morbid AngelBlood on My HandsCovenantearache
449. 2009-03-30Bonded By BloodSelf ImmolationFeed the Beastearache
450. 2009-03-23PowerviolenceBehold the Hand of GloryVarious Artists - Heavy Metal Killersearache
451. 2009-03-23WarbringerTotal WarVarious Artists - Thrashing Like A Maniacearache
452. 2009-03-23EntombedBut life goes onLeft Hand Pathearache
453. 2009-03-16Napalm DeathChristening of the BlindUtopia Banishedearache
454. 2009-03-16White WizzardHigh Speed GTOVarious Artists - Heavy Metal Killersearache
455. 2009-03-02DisgustAs Millions SufferBrutality of Warearache
456. 2009-03-02The BerzerkerIgnoranceself-titledearache
457. 2009-02-23AnataComplete DemiseThe Conductor's Departureearache
458. 2009-02-23Pitch ShifterGritterSubmitearache
459. 2009-02-16Morbid AngelVengence is MineCovenantearache
460. 2009-02-16Napalm DeathOn the Brink of ExtinctionTime Waits For No Slaveearache
461. 2009-01-26Brutal TruthPerpetual ConversionPerpetual Conversionearache
462. 2009-01-26CarcassHeartworkHeartworkearache
463. 2009-01-19Napalm DeathLife?Scumearache
464. 2009-01-12Bring me the HorizonAlot Like VegasCount Your Blessingsearache
465. 2009-01-12IncisionTemple of FleshBeneath the Folds of Fleshearache
466. 2008-12-22GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
467. 2008-12-15At The GatesSlaughter of the SoulSlaughter of the Soulearache
468. 2008-12-08CoalesceHarvest of MaturityNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
469. 2008-12-08Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
470. 2008-11-24EntombedAbnomally DeceasedLeft Hand Pathearache
471. 2008-11-24CarcassNo Love LostWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
472. 2008-10-20Extreme Noise TerrorWork for Neverretro-butionearache
473. 2008-10-20Morbid AngelBlessed are the Sick/Leading the RatsBlessed are the Sickearache
474. 2008-10-13DeicideAngel of AgonyTill Death Do Us Partearache
475. 2008-10-06CarcassIncarnated Solvent AbuseSymphonies of Sicknessearache
476. 2008-09-29DeicideHorror in the Halls of StoneTill Death Do Us Partearache
477. 2008-09-15Bonded By BloodTormenting VoicesFeed the Beastearache
478. 2008-09-15Lawnmower DethLancer with Your ZancerOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
479. 2008-09-08CarcassGenital GrinderSymphonies of Sicknessearache
480. 2008-09-01Bonded By BloodMind PollutionFeed the Beastearache
481. 2008-08-25Napalm DeathNegative ApproachScumearache
482. 2008-08-25EntombedRevel In FleshLeft Hand Pathearache
483. 2008-08-18Morbid Angelthe Ancient OnesBlessed are the Sickearache
484. 2008-08-11The HauntedUndeadself-titledearache
485. 2008-08-11Cult of Lunathe Great MigrationEternal Kingdomearache
486. 2008-08-04Gama BombFinal FightCitizen Brainearache
487. 2008-08-04CathedralMidnight MountainMidnight Mountainearache
488. 2008-07-28Municipal Wastethe ThingHazardous Mutationearache
489. 2008-07-28Cult of LunaCurseEternal Kingdomearache
490. 2008-07-28DeicideNot as Long as We Both Shall LiveTill Death Do Us Partearache
491. 2008-07-28Bonded by BloodPsychotic PulseFeed the Beastearache
492. 2008-07-07At The GatesBlinded By FearSlaughter of the Soulearache
493. 2008-07-07DeicideSevered TiesTill Death Do Us Partearache
494. 2008-07-07Cult of LunaMire DeepEternal Kingdomearache
495. 2008-07-07Gama BombHammer SlammerCitizen Brainearache
496. 2008-06-30Bonded By BloodNecropsyFeed the Beastearache
497. 2008-06-30DeicideWorthless MiseryTill Death Do Us Partearache
498. 2008-06-30Napalm DeathRise AboveDeath By Manipulationearache
499. 2008-06-30Gama BombGlobal WarningCitizen Brainearache
500. 2008-06-23Gama BombFinal FightCitizen Brainearache
501. 2008-06-23Bonded By BloodMind PollutionFeed the Beastearache
502. 2008-06-16DeicideHate of All HatredsTill Death Do Us Partearache
503. 2008-06-09Bonded By BloodNecropsyFeed the Beastearache
504. 2008-06-09EntombedWhen Life has CeasedLeft Hand Pathearache
505. 2008-06-09DeicideNot as Long as We Both Shall LiveTill Death Do Us Partearache
506. 2008-06-02DeicideTill Death Do Us PartTill Death Do Us Partearache
507. 2008-05-26DeicideAngel of AgonyTill Death Do Us Partearache
508. 2008-05-26EntombedWolverine BluesHollowmanearache
509. 2008-05-19Merciless DeathExumerThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
510. 2008-05-19DeicideIn the Eyes of GodTill Death Do Us Partearache
511. 2008-05-12Extreme Noise TerrorJesus on my sideDamage 381earache
512. 2008-05-12Pitch ShifterDeconstructionSubmitearache
513. 2008-04-28Deicidewalk with the devil in dreams you beholdthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
514. 2008-04-28EntombedBut life goes onLeft Hand Pathearache
515. 2008-04-21Toxic HolocaustWar is HellThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
516. 2008-04-07DisgustAs Millions SufferBrutality of Warearache
517. 2008-03-31CarcassExhume to ConsumeGrindcrusher - various artistearache
518. 2008-03-31TerrorizerDead Shall RiseGrindcrusher - various artistearache
519. 2008-03-17EvileKiller from the DeepEnter the Graveearache
520. 2008-03-17Bonded By BloodImmortal LifeThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
521. 2008-03-17At The GatesBlinded By FearSlaughter of the Soulearache
522. 2008-03-10The BerzerkerBurntself-titledearache
523. 2008-03-10Toxic HolocaustWar is HellThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
524. 2008-03-03EvileMan Against MachineEnter the Graveearache
525. 2008-03-03Anal CuntYou've Got No FriendsI like it when you dieearache
526. 2008-03-03MutantPsycho TherapyThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
527. 2008-03-03Morbid AngelDesolate WaysBlessed are the Sickearache
528. 2008-02-25Merciless DeathExumerThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
529. 2008-02-18With PassionThrough the Smoke Lies A PathWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
530. 2008-02-18Bring me the Horizonre:They have no ReflectionsThis is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
531. 2008-02-18Municipal Wastethe Art of PartyingThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
532. 2008-02-18BiomechanicalPredatoryCannibalizedearache
533. 2008-02-11EvileBurned AliveEnter the Graveearache
534. 2008-02-11Toxic HolocaustWar is HellThrashing Like a Maniac - Various Artistearache
535. 2008-02-11BiomechanicalSlow the PoisonCannibalizedearache
536. 2008-02-11Lawnmower DethDid You Spill My Pint?Ooh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
537. 2008-02-11MasacreBiohazardFrom Beyondearache
538. 2008-01-21EvileKiller from the DeepEnter the Graveearache
539. 2008-01-21CarcassNo Love LostWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
540. 2008-01-07Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Utopia Banishedearache
541. 2008-01-07SSSDamaged Goodsself-titledearache
542. 2008-01-07CarcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
543. 2008-01-07EvileTrasherEnter the Graveearache
544. 2008-01-07Municipal Wastethe Art of Partyingthe Art of Partyingearache
545. 2007-12-31Morbid AngelUnholy BlasphemiesBlessed are the Sickearache
546. 2007-12-31Bring me the Horizonre:They have no ReflectionsThis is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
547. 2007-12-24Blood Red ThroneTaste of GodCome Deathearache
548. 2007-12-24The HauntedHate Songself-titledearache
549. 2007-12-24Anal CuntYou Got CancerI like it when you dieearache
550. 2007-12-24Broken HopeHe Was RapedLoathingearache
551. 2007-12-17With PassionPale Horses RideWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
552. 2007-12-17Napalm DeathSUCCESS?Scumearache
553. 2007-12-17TerrorizerDead Shall RiseWorld Downfallearache
554. 2007-12-10OldFreak Nowthe Musical Dimentions of Sleastakearache
555. 2007-12-10Deicidewalk with the devil in dreams you beholdthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
556. 2007-12-03Iron MonkeyWeb of Pissself-titledearache
557. 2007-12-03Bring me the Horizonre:They have no ReflectionsThis is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
558. 2007-11-19Blood Red ThroneTaste of GodCome Deathearache
559. 2007-11-12CoalesceHarvest Of ManturityNapalm Death/Coalesceearache
560. 2007-11-12Napalm DeathUpwards and Uninterested (Demo Version)Napalm Death/Coalesceearache
561. 2007-11-12GodfleshStreetcleanerStreetcleanerearache
562. 2007-11-05SSSWarhorseself-titledearache
563. 2007-11-05Bring me the HorizonWho wants flowers when you're dead? nobodyThis is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
564. 2007-11-05DecapitatedSensual Sicknessthe Negationearache
565. 2007-11-05Blood Red ThroneRebirth in BloodCome Deathearache
566. 2007-11-05Municipal WasteBorn to Partythe Art of Partyingearache
567. 2007-11-05The BerzerkerCannibal Rightsself-titledearache
568. 2007-10-29Municipal Wastethe Art of Partyingthe Art of Partyingearache
569. 2007-10-29Blood Red ThroneGutteral ScreamsCome Deathearache
570. 2007-10-29Bring me the HorizonTraitors never play hang-menThis is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
571. 2007-10-22Bring me the HorizonRAWWWRR!This is What the Edge of Your Seat was Made forearache
572. 2007-10-22Blood Red ThroneRebirth in BloodCome Deathearache
573. 2007-10-22EvileFirst BloodEnter the Graveearache
574. 2007-10-22Municipal WasteSeptic Detonationthe Art of Partyingearache
575. 2007-10-22SSSQuiet before the stormself-titledearache
576. 2007-10-15Municipal WasteHeadbanger Face Ripthe Art of Partyingearache
577. 2007-10-08Napalm DeathDistorting the MediumUtopia Banishedearache
578. 2007-10-08SSSNew Dogsself-titledearache
579. 2007-10-08TerrorizerFear of NapalmWorld Downfallearache
580. 2007-10-01Municipal Wastethe Inebriatorthe Art of Partyingearache
581. 2007-10-01Bolt Throwerthe Shreds of SanityWarmasterearache
582. 2007-09-24Municipal WasteChemically Alteredthe Art of Partyingearache
583. 2007-09-17Municipal WasteHeadbanger Face Ripthe Art of Partyingearache
584. 2007-09-17SSSthe Beastself-titledearache
585. 2007-09-10Municipal WasteBeer Pressurethe Art of Partyingearache
586. 2007-09-10AkercockeSummon the AntichristAntichristearache
587. 2007-09-10At The GatesUnder a serpent SunSlaughter of the Soulearache
588. 2007-09-03Municipal WasteMental Shockthe Art of Partyingearache
589. 2007-09-03SSSDamaged Goodsself-titledearache
590. 2007-09-03AkercockeSummon the AntichristAntichristearache
591. 2007-08-27Municipal Wastethe Art of Partyingthe Art of Partyingearache
592. 2007-08-27Akercockethe PromiseAntichristearache
593. 2007-08-27SSSWarhorseself-titledearache
594. 2007-08-27DeicideDeath to Jesusthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
595. 2007-08-06Morbid AngelSuffocationAltars of Madnessearache
596. 2007-07-16CarcassRotten to the GoreTools of the Tradeearache
597. 2007-07-16Extreme Noise TerrorShallow ExistenceDamage 381earache
598. 2007-07-09The BerzerkerFalse HopeAnimosityearache
599. 2007-06-25anal cuntAll our fans are gayDefenders Of The Hateearache
600. 2007-05-28GodfleshmeltdownSlavestateearache
601. 2007-05-21CarcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
602. 2007-05-21Extreme Noise TerrorJesus on my sideDamage 381earache
603. 2007-03-19deicideDeath to Jesusthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
604. 2007-03-05With Passionwhat we see when we close our eyesWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
605. 2007-02-26With Passiontales of sirensWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
606. 2007-02-19With Passionpale horse rideWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
607. 2007-02-12With PassionencryptionWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
608. 2007-02-05With Passiontales of sirensWhat We See When We Shut Our Eyesearache
609. 2006-12-25Municipal Wastethe trashin' of the christHazardous Mutationearache
610. 2006-12-25deicideDeath to Jesusthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
611. 2006-10-30deicidedesecrationthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
612. 2006-10-09deicidewalk with the devil in dreams you beholdthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
613. 2006-09-25deicidethe stench of redemptionthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
614. 2006-09-18deicidedesecrationthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
615. 2006-09-18iron monkeyweb of pissself-titledearache
616. 2006-09-11carcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
617. 2006-09-11deicidewalk with the devil in dreams you beholdthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
618. 2006-09-04deicidedesecrationthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
619. 2006-09-04lawnmower dethsumo rabbit and his inescapeable trap of doomOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
620. 2006-08-28deicidecrucified for the innocencethe Stench Of Redemptionearache
621. 2006-08-21deicideDeath to Jesusthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
622. 2006-08-14deicidethe stench of redemptionthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
623. 2006-08-07deicidehomage for satanthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
624. 2006-07-31deicidehomage for satanthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
625. 2006-07-24deicidethe stench of redemptionthe Stench Of Redemptionearache
626. 2006-06-26Municipal Wasteinto-death ripperHazardous Mutationearache
627. 2006-02-27Municipal Wastethe thrashin of christHazardous Mutationearache
628. 2006-01-16GodfleshmeltdownSlavestateearache
629. 2005-10-03carcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
630. 2005-10-03Municipal Wasteunleash the bastardsHazardous Mutationearache
631. 2005-09-26Municipal Wasteterror sharkHazardous Mutationearache
632. 2005-09-19Municipal Wasteblood driveHazardous Mutationearache
633. 2005-09-05Municipal Wastenailed casketHazardous Mutationearache
634. 2005-08-29Municipal Wasteterror sharkHazardous Mutationearache
635. 2005-08-22Municipal Wasteblood driveHazardous Mutationearache
636. 2005-08-15Municipal Wastehazardous mutationHazardous Mutationearache
637. 2005-08-08Municipal Wasteset to distructHazardous Mutationearache
638. 2005-08-01Municipal Wasteguilty of being tightHazardous Mutationearache
639. 2005-08-01iron monkeysupagorgonizerself-titledearache
640. 2005-07-25Municipal Wasteunleash the bastardsHazardous Mutationearache
641. 2004-11-08carcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
642. 2004-08-09the berzerkerburntself-titledearache
643. 2003-11-10the berzerkerburntself-titledearache
644. 2003-07-29lawnmower dethfacist and tubbyOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
645. 2002-10-29Iron MonkeyBig Loaderself-titledearache
646. 2002-07-09CarcassBlood Spattered BannerWake up and Smell the Carcassearache
647. 2002-05-28The BerzerkerBurntself-titledearache
648. 2002-03-12The BerzerkerPainself-titledearache
649. 2002-03-05The BerzerkerForeverself-titledearache
650. 2002-03-05The BerzerkerForeverself-titledearache
651. 2001-11-13GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
652. 2001-10-16GodfleshParalyzedHymnsearache
653. 1999-10-11Lawnmower Deth7th Church of the Apocalyptical LawnmowerOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
654. 1999-10-04GodfleshStreetcleanerStreetcleanerearache
655. 1999-08-23GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
656. 1999-06-14Iron Monkey2 Golden Rulesself-titledearache
657. 1999-06-07Iron MonkeyI.R.M.S.self-titledearache
658. 1999-05-31Iron Monkey2 Golden Rulesself-titledearache
659. 1999-05-24Iron MonkeyI.R.M.S.self-titledearache
660. 1999-05-17Iron MonkeyBosskeloidself-titledearache
661. 1999-05-10Iron MonkeySupaorgoizerself-titledearache
662. 1999-05-04GodfleshPulpStreetcleanerearache
663. 1997-11-17Iron MonkeyFink Dialself-titledearache
664. 1997-11-10Iron MonkeyWeb of Pissself-titledearache
665. 1997-11-03Iron MonkeyWeb of Pissself-titledearache
666. 1997-10-27Iron MonkeyBlack Aspirinself-titledearache
667. 1997-08-04Lawnmower DethSumo Rabbit and his inescapable trap of DoomOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
668. 1997-08-04Lawnmower DethMaim Mower MaimOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
669. 1997-07-14GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
670. 1997-07-07GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
671. 1997-06-30GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
672. 1997-03-31GodfleshNihilCold Worldearache
673. 1997-01-20Lawnmower DethBetty For's Clinic / Weebles WobbleOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
674. 1997-01-13GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
675. 1997-01-06GodfleshwakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
676. 1996-12-30GodfleshMercilessMercilessearache
677. 1996-12-23GodfleshNIHILCold Worldearache
678. 1996-12-16GodfleshWAkeSongs of Love and Hateearache
679. 1996-12-16GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
680. 1996-10-07Lawnmower DethWeebles WobblesOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
681. 1996-10-07Lawnmower DethDodo DoeOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
682. 1996-09-30GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
683. 1996-09-23Lawnmower DethBonw Yank BlistersOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
684. 1996-09-23Lawnmower DethKids in AmericaOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
685. 1996-09-23GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
686. 1996-09-09GodfleshWakeSongs of Love and Hateearache
687. 1996-09-02GodfleshSlavestateSlavestateearache
688. 1996-09-02GodfleshHunterSongs of Love and Hateearache
689. 1996-09-02Lawnmower Deth7th Church of the Apocalyptic Lawn MowerOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
690. 1996-09-02Lawnmower DethKids in americaOoh Crikey, It's.../Kids in Americaearache
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